AP KGBVs Inter Admissions 2025-26: Notification - Online Application, Apply Online for APKGBVS Inter Admissions 2025-26 Notification, Schedule, Online Application Instructions, APKGBVS Intermediate Admissions for academic year 2025-26 in KGBVS certain instructions
APKGBVS Inter Admissions 2025-26 Apply Online APSS, Amaravati - KGBV - Admissions into KGBVs for Intermediate 1st Year for the academic year 2025-26 - Time Schedule for admissions - Certain instructions - Issued.
- Application Start Date: 22.04.2025
- Application End Date: 11.04.2025
అన్ని కేజీబీవీల్లో ఇంటర్మీడియెట్ ప్రవేశాలకు దరఖాస్తులు ఆహ్వానం
22.04.2025 తేదీ నుంచి 11.04.2025 వరకూ ఆన్ లైన్ దరఖాస్తులు స్వీకరణ. పదో తరగతి ఉత్తీర్ణత సాధించిన అనాథలు, పేద ఎస్.సి, ఎస్.టి, బిసి, మైనారిటీ, బి.పి.ఎల్ బాలికలు మాత్రమే దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవాలని తెలిపారు. ఆన్లైన్ ద్వారా వచ్చిన దరఖాస్తులు మాత్రమే ప్రవేశాలకు పరిగణిస్తామని అన్నారు. ఆసక్తిగల బాలికలువ 22.03.2025 తేదీ నుంచి 11.04.2025 వరకు https://apkgbv.apcfss.in/ వెబ్ సైట్ నందు దరఖాస్తులు పొందగలరని తెలిపారు. ఎంపికైన విద్యార్థులకు ఫోన్ మెసేజ్ ద్వారా సమాచారం అందుతుందని తెలిపారు. దీంతోపాటు సంబంధిత కేజీబీవీల నోటీసు బోర్డులో నేరుగా చూడవచ్చని తెలిపారు.
సమగ్ర శిక్షా ఆధ్వర్యంలో రాష్ట్ర వ్యాప్తంగా నిర్వహిస్తోన్న 352 కస్తూర్బా గాంధీ బాలికా విద్యాలయాలు (కేజీబీవీ)ల్లో 2025-26 విద్యా సంవత్సరానికి గాను ఇంటర్మీడియెట్ మొదటి ఏడాది ప్రవేశాలకు ఆన్ లైన్ దరఖాస్తులు స్వీకరిస్తున్నట్లు సమగ్ర శిక్షా రాష్ట్ర పథక సంచాలకులు ఒక ప్రకటనలో తెలిపారు.
2025-26 Admissions into KGBVs -Tentative Schedule:
S. No |
Activity |
Date |
1. |
Press Note |
20.03.2025 |
2. |
Start of online application |
22.03.2025 |
3. |
Last date of submission of online applications |
11.04.2025 |
4. |
Preparation of selection list for 6th class and for classes 7th, 8th and 9th left over seats for verification |
16.04.2025 |
5. |
Verification of selection list by State Office |
16th to 18th April, 2025 |
6. |
Release of selection list for classes 6th 7th , 8th and 9th to school login and communication to the Students selected |
21.04.2025 |
7. |
Certificate Verification by respective KGBV principal at KGBV Level |
21st to 25th |
The selection process to be taken for the available seats of 40 in each KGBV for class 6th and Intermediate 1st year.
- 1stpriority should be given to the OSC(Out of school Children), drop out children on support of list furnished by the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha.
- 2ndpriority should be given to orphans (Students who don’t have both Father and Mother) students.
- 3rdpriority should be given to Semi - orphans (Single parents Students) students.
- 4thpriority should be given to the differently-abled students with benchmark of 40% disability as defined by the Government time to time.
- And the remaining seats should be filled up duly following the Rule of Reservation as ordered by Government. Admission process should be started for the left over seats after completion of admissions with the above 4 categories duly observing the following criteria.
- 50% of seats should be filled up with the open competition (all communities) by observing the seniority list (merit list)
- 15% of seats should be filled with Scheduled Caste students
- 6% of seats should be filled with Scheduled Tribes students
- 7% of seats with BC-A students
- 10% of seats with BC-B Students
- 1% of seats with BC-C students
- 7% of seats with BC-D students
- 4% of seats with BC-E Students
For Example: Out of 40 seats in each class, if 10 seats are filled with OSC, Orphan, Semi-Orphan, PHC and the remaining 30 seats should be filled up as specified below for both 6th and Intermediate 1st year (in respect of Intermediate 1st priority should be given to KGBVs Students) .
S. No | Caste | Reservation | No. of Seats to be |
1. | Open competition | 50 | 15 |
2. | SC | 15 | 5 |
3. | ST | 6 | 2 |
4. | BC-A | 7 | 2 |
5. | BC-B | 10 | 3 |
6. | BC-C | 1 | 0 |
7. | BC-D | 7 | 2 |
8. | BC-E | 4 | 1 |
9. | Seats filled with OSC, orphans etc., | - | 10 |
Total | 100 | 40 |
Provided the parental annual income limit should be 1.20 lakh for rural areas and 1.44 Lakhs in Urban for all communities.
Note : the whole admission process taken up in 3 steps i. e
Step -1 : OoSc, Orphans, semi orphans, different abled shall be filled up with the local mandal candidates
Step-2: Open category, ST, SC, BC shall be filled up with the local mandal candidates.
Step-3: OoSc, Orphans, semi orphans, different abled, Open category, ST, SC, BC shall be filled up with the local mandal candidates.
Guidelines for filling of left over seats with near by mandal candidates
- The entire admission process must be taken up considering local Mandal as a unit for selection process. After completion of Local Mandal admissions, then Nearby Mandals shall be considered. In case of more number of applications received from near by mandals then 1st priority shall be given to the STs, 2nd priority shall be given to the SCs and 3rd priority to the Back ward classes duly preparing a common merit list.
- For class 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th filling up of seats with nearby mandals a common seniority list for all castes should be prepared and 1st priority should be given to the candidate who placed on the top of the seniority list prepared based on the date of birth.
Note : If the date of births are same orphans, single parent students shall be given 1st priority.
Selection Guidelines for Minority KGBVs.
- 1st Priority to be given to the OSC, Orphan, Semi-Orphan, Different abled Students of local Mandal Minority communities.
- 75% of seats should be filled with the Minority Students. If the 75 % of seats are not filled with the local minorities, the left over seats in 75% and the remaining 25 % of seats should also be filled with others, duly following rule of reservation as explained at para no. 4 as per norms.
- Still if the seats remains vacant, then may consider the Minority students of nearby Mandals as 1st priority, and then other candidates of nearby Mandal as 2nd priority as explained at para No 5.
Guidelines for Selection of Scheduled Area KGBVs
- In case of KGBVs located in Schedule areas 100% seats should be filled with local tribal OSC, Orphan, Semi - Orphan and different abled candidates.
- If no tribal candidates are available then the left over seats should be filled with local tribal of that particular mandal.
- Still if the seats remain vacant then, the un-filled seats should be filled other communities of local Mandal i.e SCs, BCs and OCs as explained at para No. 4.
- If the seats are still vacant the same should be filled with the tribal students of nearby Mandals as 1st priority and others the as 2nd priority as per the rule of reservation as explained at para No. 5.
- First preference should been given to the KGBV students of the same KGBV and 2nd preference to the students studied in other KGBVs within the district only.
- In case more candidates are applied for one KGBV then merit in SSC examinations shall be considered for the remaining seats after filling up of same KGBV students
Distribution of Seats for each KGBV
S. No | Caste | Reservation | No. of Seats to be |
1. | Open competition | 50 | 15 |
2. | SC | 15 | 5 |
3. | ST | 6 | 2 |
4. | BC-A | 7 | 2 |
5. | BC-B | 10 | 3 |
6. | BC-C | 1 | 0 |
7. | BC-D | 7 | 2 |
8. | BC-E | 4 | 1 |
9. | Seats filled with OSC, orphans etc., | - | 10 |
Total | 100 | 40 |
Selection Guidelines for Minority KGBVs.
- 75% of seats should be filled with the Minority Students. If the 75 % of seats are not filled with the local minorities, the left over seats in 75% and the remaining 25 % of seats should also be filled with others, duly following the above said rule of reservation as per norms for that particular KGBV.
- In case more candidates are applied for one KGBV then merit in SSC examinations shall be considered for the remaining seats after filling up of same KGBV students.
Vacant seats in 7th, 8th and 9th classes:
Same admission criteria of 6th class may be followed for filling up of vacant seats of 7th , 8th and 9th classes.
AP KGBV 2025 Inter First Year Online Application
AP KGBV 2025 Inter Second Year Online Application