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Monday, 3 March 2025

AP HMs, Teachers Promotion Seniority Lists Preparation 2025 Guidelines - Grievances

AP HMs, Teachers Promotion Seniority Lists Preparation 2025 Guidelines - Grievances, Preparation of seniority lists of Head Masters Grade-II and Teachers of all cadres & all managements (Govt., ZP, MP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation) - Addressing grievances/ issues - Certain Instructions - Issued


School Education - APESS - Preparation of seniority lists of Head Masters Grade-II and Teachers of all cadres & all managements (Govt., ZP, MP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation) - Addressing grievances/ issues - Certain Instructions - Issued - Reg  Rc.No.ESE02-14/100/2025-EST4-CSE Dt 03-03-2025



1. RJDSE Visakhapatnam Lr.Rc.No.SPL/Zone-I/RJDVSP, dt.28.02.2025.

2. RJDSE Kakinada Lr.Rc.No.Spl/2025, dt.28.02.2025.

3. RJDSE Guntur Lr.Rc.No.Spl/RJDSE-GNT/2025,dt: 28.02.2025.

4. RJDSE Kadapa Lr.Rc.No.0719/A2/2025, dt.28.02.2025.


In the references 1st to 4th read above, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State have informed that the general seniority lists of Head Masters/teachers of all cadres with respect to all managements (Govt., ZP, MP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation) have been prepared as updated in the Teacher Information System (TIS) to award promotions through online. Further requested for permission to publish the General Seniority List in the District Official Website to receive Objections/grievances if any.


Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are hereby permitted for publication of general seniority lists of all cadres of Head Masters/ teachers of all managements (Govt., ZP, MP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation) in their respective District official website.


In this connection in order to complete the above task in a smooth manner the following guidelines / instructions are hereby issued:-

  1. The erstwhile (13) District Educational Officers and (4) Regional Joint Directors of School Education shall publish the general seniority lists category wise and management wise separately in District Official Website as well as in the notice Board of the O/o the DEOs & RJDSEs Concerned as updated in Teachers Information System (TIS).
  2. The DEOs & RJDSEs concerned shall issue press note on publication of General Seniority Lists and ensure that the message shall be reached to all the stake holders enabling them file objections, if any.
  3. The erstwhile (13) District Educational Officers shall constitute a District Grievance Redressal Cell consisting of the following members at District level:-


Officer/ Staff



DEO of erstwhile District



AD of erstwhile District



AD of new District



Superintendent & Concerned Section Assistant of erstwhile District



Superintendent & Concerned Section Assistant of new District



ASO/ APO of erstwhile and new District

Supporting Staff

  1. Separate Committees shall be constituted for each Cadre. Team shall be consisting of Deputy Educational Officers, DCEB Secretaries, Senior most Head Masters, ASO or APO for receiving the grievances from Headmasters and teachers. The committees shall collect all the grievances and submit to the District Grievance Redressal Cell for resolving the same at erstwhile These Committees shall consolidate all Grievances and submit the same to the District Level Grievance Committee for disposal.
  2. Appeals if any, against the decision made by the District Grievance Redressal Committee, can be submitted to the concerned Regional Joint Director of School Education for further disposal.
  3. The District Educational Officers of new Districts are instructed to depute the concerned members mentioned in the above said Grievance Redressal Cell to the erstwhile DEO Office until completion of the exercise.
  4. The redressal of grievances shall be reviewed by the District Grievance Redressal Committee constituted at each District between 3 PM to 7 PM everyday and provide the status of grievances to the Headmasters/ teachers.
  5. The promotion seniority list will be prepared based on the final general seniority list. District Educational Officer is competent authority for promotions to post of School Assistant cadre of all managements (Govt., ZP, MP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation) from Feeder Category of SGTs of respective managements (Govt., ZP, MP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation) and Regional Joint Director is competent for promotions to the post of Head Master cadre of all managements (Govt., ZP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation) from the feeder Category of School Assistants of respective managements (Govt., ZP, MP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation).
  6. The Competent Authorities shall take due care in the process of Publication of Seniority Lists and Disposing the Grievances.
  7. It is the complete responsibility of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State to maintain all records pertaining to the seniority lists of all cadres of teachers of all managements (Govt., ZP, MP, Municipalities & Municipal Corporation) of both soft and hard copies properly.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to follow the above instructions scrupulously and complete the process at the earliest.

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