Teacher Training Assessments Google Form Link How to submit Teacher Training Assessments Form?
Please complete the following activities in this order:
- Fill in your personal details.
- Answer the Pre-survey Questionnaire (10 questions).
- Watch the Video Resources.
- Answer the Post-survey Questionnaire (10 questions).
à°ˆ Google Formà°¨ు à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°šేయడం ఉపాà°§్à°¯ాà°¯ుà°²ందరిà°•ీ తప్పనిసరి.
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à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿ్-సర్à°µే à°ª్à°°à°¶్à°¨ావళి (10 à°ª్à°°à°¶్నలు)à°•ి సమాà°§ాà°¨ం ఇవ్à°µంà°¡ి.