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Sunday 6 October 2024

FIRKI TPD Maths Course Module 1 Quiz Questions-Answers

FIRKI TPD Maths Course Module 1 Quiz Questions-Answers Feedback Form TPD Maths Pedagogy Course Quiz AnswersTPD Maths Blended Learning Course for Primary teachers Pre-test Answers

FIRKI Maths TPD Blended Course 

"Understanding and Fluency With Bigger Numbers"

Quiz of Module 1  Questions and Answers:

Question 1: Which activity best exemplifies strategic competence?

Ans: Understanding and representing a word problem mathematically and solving it

Question 2: Hema is asked to add 598 and 651 and gets 12,490 for the answer. They realise that 500+600 is only 1,100, so the answer cannot be right. Which of the following proficiencies is the student able to master?

Ans: Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency

Question 3: The big idea on ‘Saying Numbers in Each Decade’ in place value is related to:

Ans: Helping students observe that the tens place digit changes while the units place follows the 0-9 sequence.

Question 4: Satya Sir asks his students to write six thousand and eighty-one. One of his students has written it as 600081. What can be a possible strategy to help the child?

Ans: Giving students exchange activities and Place Value Cards using base-10 model

Question 5: A box has 5 rows of juice cans with 7 in each row. How many juice cans are there in total?  The above question belongs to which problem structure?

Ans: Array and Area Problem

Question 6: Mr. Anirudh notices that several of his students are struggling with solving the following word problem:

“In a city, there are 200 car showrooms. Each showroom has 50 cars. However, only 10 cars in each dealership are available for sale. Out of these 250 cars are green in colour. How many cars are there in the city?” 

Which of the following strategies should he apply to help his students?

Ans: Help students breakdown a problem by identifying key information

Question 7: Kavita interprets firki maths tpd blended course test quiz questions and answers as “7 divided by 68”. What could be the reason for this misconception?

Ans: Using left-to-right order of reading the number

Question 8: Choose the correct problem structure for the given question – Ayush read 110 pages of a book on Monday. By the end of the week he completed 300 pages of that book. How many pages did he read from tuesday till the end of the week?

Ans: Change unknown problem structure

Question 9: Ramesh sir gave 1 worksheet on addition every week to the students. The number range for the sums used in the worksheet kept increasing every week. What aspect of computation fluency he was aiming to achieve?

Ans: Varying level of numbers helps to build computational fluency.

Question 10: Anand’s 3rd-grade student solved the problem 42 – 17 = 59. Upon reviewing the work, Anand identified a misconception. What is the misconception the student might be exhibiting?

Ans: Difficulty differentiating between addition and subtraction symbols (+) and (-)

Next Activity Question and Answers will be posted shortly. Keep visiting this page regularily.

PLC -1 assignment will be available from 16th October, 2024

PLC-1: Feedback Form

will be available from 16th October, 2024

Module 1 Feedback

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Module 2: Teaching Fractional Numbers

will be available after completion of Module-I

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