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Wednesday 23 October 2024

AP Mega Parent-Teachers Meeting 2024 Agenda, Schedule, Guidelines

AP Mega Parent-Teachers Meeting 2024 Agenda, Schedule, Guidelines, Action Plan, Activities, Pledge, Holistic Progress Card, Budget MEGA PARENT TEACHERS MEETING (PTM) Programme Schedule Conducting AP Schools Mega Parent Teachers Meeting on 14th November 2024 Instructions Mega PT Meeting 2024-25 Invitation తల్à°²ిà°¦ంà°¡ుుà°²ు ఉపాà°§్యయయుà°² సమాà°µేà°¶ాలకి ఆహ్à°µానము.

AP Mega Parent-Teachers Meeting 2024 Agenda, Schedule, Guidelines,  Action Plan, Activities, Budget à°¬à°¡ి à°µైà°ªు à°’à°• à°…à°¡ుà°—ు తల్à°²ిà°¤ంà°¡్à°°ులతో à°®ుà°š్à°šà°Ÿ్à°²ు à°®ీ à°ªిà°²ిà°² à°­à°µిà°·్యతతు à°•ోà°¸ం, à°®ీ సహకాà°°ం అవసరం తల్à°²ిà°¦ంà°¡ుుà°²ు ఉపాà°§్యయయుà°² సమాà°µేà°¶ాలకి ఆహ్à°µానము.

AP Mega Parent-Teachers Meeting 2024 Agenda, Schedule, Guidelines



 PTM Concept details

Implementing State


Mothers Involvement in Parent –Teachers Meetings

Punjab Model


Mega-PTMs- same day across all schools in state

Delhi Model , Odisha Model and Punjab


Cyber Awareness discussions during PTMs

Odisha Model


Deeper Involvement of parents in PTMs

Tamil Nadu Model .Nagaland & Jammu and Kashmir Model


Virtual PTMs in case of Emergency

Maharashtra Model


Additional PTMs may be arranged as per need and specific situation

West Bengal Model


Inclusive involvement of Key Stakeholder in PTMs

Kerela Model


Participation of Public Representative in PTMs

Chhattisgarh Model


Budget Proposals for PTM

Delhi Model


Conducting Cultural and Sports day for Parents

Andhra Pradesh


Conducting Games for CWsN children

Andhra Pradesh


PTMs for Child’s holistic development

Andhra Pradesh


Vidyanjali-A school Volunteer Program

Government of India


Subhadin Bhojan

Government of India


PTMs are for Children

Telangana Model


Action Plan for Mega PTM at School: MEGA PARENT TEACHERS MEETING (PTM) Programme Schedule:


Agenda Item

Action Plan

 9.30- 10.00


  • The PET/PD/one female teacher shall identify the active Girl students (equal number of selected guests to the dais) to honour the guests with flower/Paper made bouquets.
  • The School head shall provide the flowers for preparing the Bouquets.
  • The PET/PD shall identify the active Girl students/Active mothers for performing the  Prayer song.
  • The PET/PD and class teacher shall identify interested students to perform the welcome dance or folk dance.
  • One female teacher shall be designated to oversee the cultural event for students.
  • The designated teacher shall compile a list of interested parents who wish to perform in the cultural event, allowing for one or two participants only.








12.15 to 12.30







Objectives of the Meeting and School progress

  • The school head shall compile a list of guests to be seated on the dais.
  • The school head shall identify one active mother, SMC Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson (female) to serve as the anchor for the event.
  • The identified anchor shall invite guests onto the dais with the support of a designated teacher or the school head.
  • The school head shall designate an active teacher to assist the anchor by preparing well-structured notes.
  • The school head shall also be available to provide additional support as needed.
  • The PET/PD and one female teacher shall identify active girl students to honor the guests with flowers or paper-made bouquets, matching the number of selected guests.
  • The school head shall supply the flowers needed for creating the bouquets
  • The school head shall select an active mother from the SMC or parent group to present the objectives of the meeting and share updates on school progress.
  • An active teacher shall be nominated to assist her in the presentation.
  • The school head or the nominated teacher shall prepare the notes for the mother’s presentation.
  • The School Head shall identify One active mother to speak on cyber awareness.
  • One teacher supported to the Speaker by preparing notes on cyber awareness.
  • In all high schools, an active mother should anchor the program.
  • In primary schools, if no active mother is available, the SMC Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or school head shall take on the anchoring role.

12.30 to 12.45

Guest Speeches

  • The school head shall identify speakers from various groups, including philanthropists, donors, old students, NGOs, public representatives, and knowledgeable parents, who are well-versed in the suggested topics.

12.45 to 12.50

Feed back and suggestions

  • The school head shall provide a suggestion box, along with pens and paper slips, for parents and other invitees to share their feedback and suggestions.

12.50 to 1.00

Pledge & Concluding remarks

  • The school head shall identify the person from the SMC Chairperson/ Vice Chairperson / peoples representative /Active mother.

1.00 onwards

Subhadin Bhojanam

  • The school head shall identify the donor for providing extra food items like sweet, fruit, vegetable fried rice in addition to the Dokka Seethama Madhyahnna Badi Bhojanam in coordination with the SMC and donors/volunteers from Vidyanjali programme.


Detailed Guidelines for School Heads for Conducting the Mega PTM:


The Mega PTM is an essential event to strengthen relationships between parents, teachers, and the school. Please follow these detailed instructions carefully to ensure successful and effective execution

1. Planning Stage (5-7 Days Before the PTM)

Discussion and Planning:

  • Conduct a meeting with School Management Committee (SMC) members and staff to discuss and finalize the implementation of all activities outlined in the state- Minute to Minute Model Program. No deviations from the plan are permitted.

Formation of Committees:

  • Constitute the following committees with clear roles and responsibilities assigned to SMC members, staff, and students:
  • Invitation & Reception Committee
  • Budget & Purchase Committee School Beautification Committee
  • Environmental Safety Committee mittee (New) Student Progress Reports Committee
  • Stage & Audio-Visual Arrangement Committee Seating Arrangement Committee (for classrooms and common meeting areas)
  • Cultural & Sports Committee Food & Water Arrangernent Committee
  • Discipline & Parking Committee
  • Press & Media Coverage Committee
  • Medical Support Committee (New)

Committee Responsibilities:

  • Each committee must have a designated lead to support members. Assign roles clearly and conduct frequent coordination meetings.

Preparatory Stage (4-1 Days Before the PTM)

Invitation & Reception Committee:

Invitation Preparation:

  • Students should prepare personalized invitation cards for their parents and key invitees. Ensure that necessary materials such as cards, paints, colour pencils, sketch pens, etc., are provided to students in advance.
  • Class teachers are responsible for guiding and supporting students in preparing the invitations.

Invitation Distribution:

  • Ensure all parents. School Management Committee (SMC) members, identified donors, Vidyanjali volunteers and alumni receive their invitations.
  • Invitations can shall be given personally to guests if available locally
  • One of best achiever from the old students is to be identified and invited for giving speech which highlights the support his school also
  • The School Head must update the invitee details in the PTM online module within the School Attendance App.
  • Upload photos in the APP

Digital Invitations & SMS:

  • In addition to manual invitations, the School Head should download the digital copy (PDF) of the Mega PTM (MPTM)
  • program, which is attached to the PTM online module in the School Attendance App.
  • Share the digital invitation with all parents, staff, and SMC members via WhatsApp.
  • The School Head is also responsible for sending PTM invitation SMS messages to parents mobile phones through the App.


  • Make daily announcements about the Mega PTM during the school assembly, reminding students to inform their parents

Budget & Purchases

  • Expenditure can be met from School Composite Grant Exclusive Budget given to Mega PTM
  • Collect material and fund requirements from all other committees involved in organizing the Mega PTM (MPTM). necessary expenditures for conducting the MPTM.
  • Based on these inputs, prepare a comprehensive budget plan that covers all
  • Keep a detailed record of all expenses incurred, including purchases and contributions, in appropriate registers for future reference.
  • Regularly update expenditure logs to maintain accurate and transparent financial documentation.
  • Identify the donors for contributions

Beautification of the campus

Pathways and Entrances:

  • Mark and decorate pathways from the main gate to the school building entrance.
  • Use chalk or paint for clear pathway markings.
  • Welcome arch shall be made at the school gate with locally available Mamaidi thoranaalu, Arati bodelu and colour papers
  • Line the pathways with flower pots or floral arrangements to create a welcoming environment 

Greenery and Plants:

  • If there is time, coordinate with the staff and students to plant small shrubs, flowering plants, or trees around the campus.
  • Ensure that Kitchen gardens maintained with fencing Name the trees of the campus with botanical names
  • Water the existing plants regularly and prune them to ensure they look fresh and maintained on the day of the meeting.
  • Review the condition of the school building's paint. If wallis appear dull or uncle coordinate with the School Head and budget committee to touch up the exterior and interior walls with fresh paint.
  • Focus on high-visibility areas such as the school gate, entrance, classrooms, and the area where the common meeting will be held Mark either side of path way with white cement/Sunnam Ensure that appropriate direction signage s are placed from the main gate to guideparents and guests to the classrooms and event area.. Wash rooms

Welcome March

  • Welcome march shall be organized with NCC and Scouts cadets. Otherwise PD can Guide group of students for welcome March
  • Arranging red or green carpet on the steps of the school.
  • Ensure that carpets are securely fixed to avoid any accidents or tripping hazards.
  • Parents and guests can be welcomed with school band if available
  • Philanthropists/Old students/peoples representatives can be seated in the School head room/ Library. A nominated senior teacher shall be allotted duty to engage guests 

Classroom and Common Area Decoration:

  • Clean and arrange all classrooms and common areas in a neat, organized manner.
  • Class teacher with the help of students can decorate the class rooms with colour papers
  • Welcome note is to be written notice boards and green boards by class teacher with the help of students
  • Display motivational quotes, and student artwork on classroom walls
  • Decorate the class room entrance and corridors with educational posters, streamers, and balloons. Along with toranalu
  • Best decorated class room students shall be acknowledged or appreciated.
  • One table and three chairs must be arranged outside of each class room in warandah for one on one student interaction
  • Class pupil leader and Girls representative will manage the discipline of the class.
  • Class teacher will address the parents on general attendance, class room challenges and need of parental involvement
  • and goal setting Class pupil leader will see that parents will be called one by one for one on one interactions as per the roll in attendance register
  • Class teacher has to note down the feedback and suggestions given by the parents in one on one interaction and submit the same to the school head
  • After one on one interactions parents will again go and sit in the class room.

Welcome Desk Preparations:

  • The committee must procure flower arrangements, paper crafts, or other materials required for the welcome desk a day in advance.
  • School and PD must select 4 senior girls to stay near Welcome desk
  • Four more senior girls shall accompany parents up to the class room so as to make the seated comfortably
  • The School head must ensure all materials for invitation cards, welcome desk arrangements, and other related items are available and provided in a timely manner

School progress reports;

  • Ensure the timely preparation of student progress reports.
  • These reports must be signed by the headmaster and free from errors.
  • Names and other details of the students are to be verified thoroughly

Donor Engagement:

  • Identify and approach potential donors to contribute towards the MPTM in the form of materials such as chairs, tables, public address systems, prizes, carpets, food items, and other essential resources.
  • Ensure transparency in donor contributions and provide proper acknowledgments.

Waste Management:

  • Ensure that dustbins are placed at key locations across the campus to maintain cleanliness during and after the event.
  • Encourage the use of eco-friendly materials like paper plates and glasses decorations and avoid single-use plastics.

Seating Arrangements:

  • Ensure that chairs and seating areas for guests are arranged neatly with decorative elements like tablecloths or simple flower arrangements.
  • Directional signage boards are to be placed for specific seating for Mothers. Fathers, Guests and invitees
  • Make sure there is proper spacing for parents and dignitaries to comfortably attend the event.
  • Student volunteers shall help the parents for comfortable seating.
  • Stage & Audio-Visual Arrangement Committee:
  • Stage is to decorated with good visible banner and local flowers available
  • Tables and chairs as per the number guests on the dais
  • Water bottles made available on the dais
  • Podium shall be arranged if available
  • Set up the stage with a public address system, microphone, chairs for guests, and a podium for speeches.
  • Test and ensure the functioning of audio-visual equipment, including IFP panels to display welcome messages and state achievements videos.

Cultural activities

  • Select students and interested parents for one dance or song cu (e.g., singing, dance performances). Ensure practice sessions are conducted.

Parent Competitions:

Rangoli Competitions

  • Organize class-wise Rangoli competitions for mothers
  • Select suitable area for Rangoli competitions
  • Class wise students can support mothers

Tug of war

  • Tug War for fathers. Allocate clean and designated areas for these activities.
  • Ensure that materials (Rangoli colours, ropes, etc.) are procured and ready
  • Student' s volunteers can help the PD in organizing even
  • Pledge by SMC Chairperson or Peoples representative to all parents, Teachers and invitees
  • Honourable CMs recorded Message

Subha din Bhojan & Water Arrangement Committee:

Food Preparation:

  • Ensure proper hygiene is maintained in food preparation, and Mid-day meal workers wear gloves, head caps, and overcoats.
  • Coordinate the midday meal for parents, ensuring that special items can be contributed by donors like fruit, sweets, vegetable biryani.
  • See that eco-friendly paper plates and glasses are used
  • Ensure that all parents and invitees come in a line and have Subhadin bhojan
  • See that they are comfortably seated while taking Dokka seetamma mid day meals / subhadin bhojan

Water Supply:

  • Arrange water pots with lids and glasses in every classroom, common meeting area and near subhadin Bhojan Selected student volunteers along with school head, PD and teachers shall support parents and invitees During Subha din Bhojan


  • Train students volunteers on proper conduct and ensure their cooperation in guiding parents.
  • PD shall train student volunteers and use the services of NCC, Scouts and Guides (If available) on overall monitoring in teams

Parking Arrangements:

  • Assign a dedicated area for guest and parent parking.
  • Place directional signage and ensure orderly parking.

Press & Media Coverage Committee:

  • Invite local press and media for coverage.
  • Prepare press releases with the school's achievements, highlights, and the event's agenda
  • Prepare social media handles for wider publicity
  • Collect testimonials from parents and invitees

Medical Support:

  • Ensure an Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) is present with a first aid kit
  • Arrange a table and chair for the ANM, and assign two students to assist.. Final Review:
  • The headmaster should review all committee arrangements in the morning and ensure that all aspects are in place

Feedback Collection:

Post-PTM Activities (After PTM)

  • Collect feedback from parents and guests through a suggestion box placed at a visible location, Ensure pens and paper slips are available.

Transport Facility

  • Transport Facility for CwSN children and parents if required

Clean-up and Debriefing:

  • Ensure the clean-up of all meeting areas, classrooms, and food serving areas.
  • One day online orientation at State level and can be conducted to all Directors, Joint Directors, Deputy Directors, RJDs, DEOs,
  • A district level committee shall constitute under the chairmanship of the District Collector for smooth implementation of the
  • District Level Orientation to be conducted by the District Educational Officer and APC to all EOs and MEOs, CRPs, PTIs, IERPs.
  • Mandal Level Orientation by the MEOs and Mandal Science Education Officers to the School complex HMs, CRPs, PTIs, IERPs by
  • School Level meeting by the HMs with all SMC members and the Public Representatives, old students,
Formation of Committees for Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTMs):-

At State, District, Mandal, Complex, School Level should be constituted for Smooth conducting of PTMs successfully.                                                    


TM Budget Basic Components:

  • Venue Setup- chairs, tables, Public Address system
  • Printed Materials- Agendas, Progress Reports.
  • Mementos, Prizes and Certificates for students and parents
  • Refreshments- Tea/Coffee/Snacks for Parents and Teachers
  • Miscellaneous-Contingency funds for unexpected expenses

Tentative Budget estimation Proposal


No of Schools

Proposed unit Cost

Budget Required

































































2001 and above











MEGA PTM Holistic Progress Card Download

MEGA PTM Pledge Download

Mega PT Meeting 2024-25 Invitation Download

MEGA PTM Detailed Guidelines Download

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