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Friday 11 October 2024

AAS Eligible from Date of acquiring qualifications

AAS Eligible from Date of acquiring qualifications AAS applicable w.e.f actual date of acquiring the academic qualifications / passing of departmental tests Automatic AP Govt Employees Teachers Advancement Scheme (AAS) - Acquiring requisite qualification after completion of 12/24 years - Appointment to AAS - Clarification issued

PS-T&A Department Automatic Advancement Scheme (AAS) - Acquiring requisite qualification after completion of 12/24 years - Appointment to AAS - Clarification issued - Reg. Memo.No. FIN02-18069/143/2024-H SEC-DTA 10/10/2024


1. This office Letter No. M1/14078/2010, Dated 24-08-2010 addressed to the Secretary to Government, Finance department. 

2. Memo. No. 17509/146/PC.II/A1/2012, Finance (PC.I) Department, Dated 09-08-2012.

3. This office memo H1/6697/2014 Dated 05-08-2015. 

4. This office letter Lr.No.FIN02-18022/29/2018-H Sec-DTA, Dated 11-03-2020 addressed to APUTF.

5. Letter ROC NO. E1/Education/2024, Dated 24-08-2024 of the DTAO, Tirupati.

Attention of all the DTAOs in the State is invited to the subject and references cited. Various instances have come to the notice of the undersigned wherein the AAS claims of the employees are being returned citing the clarifications issued vide the references 1st to 4th cited. It seems that the DTAOs are misinterpreting the clarifications issued therein. Earlier, it was inter-alia clarified that there is no provision in AAS to appoint an employee to SPP-I/SPP-II from a retrospective date of completion of 16/24 years with monetary benefit from the date of acquiring the academic qualifications/passing of departmental tests, etc. However, this doesn't mean that such employees are barred from appointment to AAS from their actual date of acquiring the academic qualifications / passing of departmental tests etc., provided certain conditions are satisfied.

They are therefore informed that there is no bar on the appointment of an employee to SPP Scale I-A/SPP Scale IIA from the date of acquiring the requisite qualifications for the promotion post, even such date is after completion of 12/24 years as the case may be, subject to the conditions mentioned below

  • The employee has not forfeited his opportunity for promotion earlier due to not acquiring the requisite qualifications for the 
  • The employee hasn't relinquished promotion earlier. promotion post.

Further, the DTAOs are instructed to ensure that the aforementioned conditions must be incorporated in the sanction orders in addition to the extant instructions in force.

They are instructed to intimate this to all the DDOs under their respective jurisdictions.

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1. à°…à°°్హతలు à°²ేవని వచ్à°šిà°¨ à°ª్à°°à°®ోà°·à°¨్ à°¨ిà°°ాà°•à°°ింà°š à°•ూà°¡à°¦ు. (ఉదా: à°¡ిà°ªాà°°్à°Ÿ్ à°®ెంà°Ÿ్ à°Ÿెà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°ªాà°¸్ à°•ాà°•à°ªోà°¯ిà°¨ా 50 à°¸ం. à°¨ింà°¡ిà°¤ే à°¹ెà°š్à°Žం. à°ª్à°°à°®ోà°·à°¨్ ఇస్à°¤ాà°°ు..à°¤ిà°°à°¸్à°•ింà°šà°•ూà°¡à°¦ు.)

2. à°ª్à°°à°®ోà°·à°¨్ à°°ిà°²ింà°•్à°µిà°·్ à°šేయకూà°¡à°¦ు (à°…ంà°Ÿే AAS దగ్à°—à°°à°²ో à°‰ందని à°ª్à°°à°®ోà°·à°¨్ à°°ిà°²ింà°•్à°µిà°·్ à°šేయకూà°¡à°¦ు)

All the extant provisions and instructions issued from time to time on the implementation of Automatic Advancement Scheme shall continue to be in force and are to be observed scrupulously.

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