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Tuesday 17 September 2024

Monthly School Complex Monitoring Form

Monthly School Complex Monitoring Form

Objective - The form is designed to capture your responses on understanding the implementation aspects, quality, and processes as followed for the monthly school complex meetings.

Note - Please fill this form after your visit to the complex meeting. You will also have to capture an image for this visit.


1. Please enter the complex code you are observing today

2. Select the district where the complex is located

3. Select the Mandal where the complex is located

4. Please select your designation

5. Please select your name

6. Please select the complex meeting type attended

7. Please enter the name of the Complex HM

8. Please enter the mobile number of the Complex HM

9. What was the start time of the complex meeting?

10. Mention the number of Resource persons available in the complex.

11. How many Resource Persons were available for the meeting

12. How many Resource Persons attended the meeting?

13. How many days in advance was the complex meeting venue communicated?

14. Was the CRP/CRMT available during the meeting?

15. Was the School Complex HM available during the meeting?

16. Did the MEO visit the meeting?

17. Please enter the number of schools attached to the complex

18. Please enter the number of teachers attached to the complex

19. Please enter the number of teachers present in the meeting today

20. How was the complex meeting agenda made accessible to teachers?

21. How would you rate/score - "Facilitator's Preparation" - for the complex meeting as held

22. Did the facilitator discussed the previous minutes of the meeting before starting the sessions?

23. Are teachers given space to share their best practices during the meeting? (need to discuss with participants to fill this question) 

24. To whatextent were teachers' challenges discussed and addressed during the complex meeting? (need to discuss with participants to fill this question) 

25. Werethe learning outcomes of the students addressed in the complex meeting? (need to discuss with participants to fill this question) 

26. Necessary physical resources required to conduct the sessions in Agenda items are available. 

27. Necessary digital resources required to conduct the sessions in Agenda items are available. 

28. Rate teacher engagement for complex meeting as held 

29. Rate teacher engagement in action orientated discussion 

30. Howwouldyourate/score- "Relevance to agenda"- for the complex meeting as held 

31. Howsupportive are the following parameters for effective peer learning discussions? 

32. Physical Setting Physical space, Seating Arrangement, Lighting etc 

33. Social Setting Respectful Communication, Guided facilitation, Encouragement etc 

34. Howwouldrate the quality of tech- infrastructure as available in the complex? 

35. Internet Connectivity 

36. Smart TV 

37. Interactive Flat Panel Board (IFPB) 

38. Projector 

39. Were there any noticeable improvements from the last meeting Complex Meeting/Facilitator(s) 

40. Any highlights/remarks on the Complex Meeting/Facilitator(s) 

41. Last month MOMsentto school HMs (confirmation form School complex HM 

42. Current month MOM planned date (Need to share within 2 days after Complex meeting) 

43. Is the Minutes of Meeting (MOM) being updated during the session? 

44. Please upload an image of the Minutes of Meeting (MOM) from the School Complex Meeting. (Need to take a picture of MOM) 

45. Please upload a image from the visit conducted to the School Complex Meeting. (Need to take a picture of meeting)

The form questionnaires are attached in PDF format for your reference, click here to access.

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To submit your monitoring form click here

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