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Thursday 26 September 2024

FIRKI TPD Maths Course Pre-test Questions - Answers

FIRKI TPD Maths Course Pre-test Questions Answers TPD Maths Pedagogy Course Quiz AnswersTPD Maths Blended Learning Course for Primary teachers Pre-test Answers


1 . Students were asked to write equivalent fractions of 1/2.

They wrote it as 2/4, 3/6. When asked to explain the reasoning behind this. They were unable to justify their reasoning. Which of the following proficiencies do the students lack in?


The correct answer is: Adaptive Reasoning and Conceptual Understanding


2. The teacher asks the following questions to the student after he solved a word problem - 

a) What steps did you take to solve the question?

b) How did you verify that your solution was correct?

 Which of the following processes is the teacher encouraging through this activity?

 The correct answer is: Reasoning


3.  A teacher has asked a student to represent 42 using dienes blocks.


The student represents it by counting the individual cubes of 1s instead of using grouped pieces of 10s.

 Which of the following ideas of teaching place value should the teacher focus on to help the student?

 The correct answer is: Base 10 system


4. When asked write 941 in expanded form. the student writes the following - 941= 9+4+1


Which of the following activities will be helpful in this situation?


The correct answer is: Using place value chart while reading 941


5. Ms. Reddy presented her class with the following word problem:

”There were 70 marbles on the table. Prasad took away 25 marbles. How many marbles are Ieft on the table?”

 Which of the following best describes the structure of this word problem?

 The correct answer is: Change Problem (Result Unknown)

6. A student uses the following method to solve 230-167:


Which of the following methods is the student using to solve the problem?

The correct answer is: Using student invented strategies


7. Identify the errors student made in solving the following problem - 






The correct answer is: Mistake in borrowed value


8. Ms. Malini is presenting a word problem to her 4th- grade class:

“Sumit has 14 boxes of crayons. Each box contains 12 crayons. How many crayons does Sumit have in total?”

 Which type of problem structure does this scenario represent?

The correct answer is: Equal Group Problem


9.  A teacher encourages students to think of different ways to solve 24x3. The students solve it in the following ways-

 Student 1:- 24+24+24

 Student 2 :-   (20x3) + (4x3)

 Which of the following methods is the teacher using to teach multiplication to students?


 The correct answer is: Using student invented strategies


10. When reviewing student  work on multiplication,

Ms. Lasya notices that some students are incorrectly placing the digits during multiplication problems. For instance, while solving 25 x 8, they write the product as 1640. What potential misconception might Ms. Lasya’s students have ?


The correct answer is: Students lack an understanding of place value concepts, particularly tens and ones


11. Why is it important for students to be exposed to the various meanings and constructs of fractions when learning about them? 

The correct answer is: Because it helps deal with student misconceptions


12. Which model would you categories the following question under?

 Hema’s mother gave 5 biscuits to Hema and her brother Gopi. Then Hema shared these 5 biscuits in this way.

The correct answer is: Set Model


 13. Vijaya asks the students to represent 5.6 on a number line. Which of the following concepts is she targeting with this question?

The correct answer is: Role of decimal point

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◉ Pre-Test Completion + Module-1 Completion: 26-09-2024 to 15-10-2024

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