Enhancement Expenditure Incurred for Gram Panchayats Independence Day, Republic Day Celebrations Enhancement of ceiling limit for expenditure incurred by the Gram Panchayats for Independence Day, Republic Day Celebrations G.O.Rt.No.450 Dated: 09-08-2024 Enhancement of ceiling limit for expenditure incurred by the Gram Panchayats on the celebration of Republic Day & Independence Day PR & RD Department Enhancement of ceiling limit for expenditure incurred by the Gram Panchayats on the celebration of Republic Day & Independence Day Orders Issued.
Read the following:
1. G.O. Rt. No. 1236, PR & RD (Pts.l), Dt. 25.7.1990.
2. From the Director, PR & RD, AP, Tadepalli, Guntur Lr.No. 2509327/CPR & RD/D6/2024, dated 4.8.2024.
In the circumstances stated by the Director, PR & RD, AP, Tadepalli in the reference 2nd read above, Government after careful consideration of the proposal, hereby suppress the orders issued in the G.O.Rt. No. 1236, PR & RD (Pts.I) Department, Dt. 25.7.1990 and the ceiling limit on expenditure to be incurred by the Gram Panchayats on the celebration of Republic Day and Independence Day is enhanced to Rs.10,000/- for Gram Panchayats of population upto 5000 (2011 census) and Rs.25,000/- for Gram Panchayats of population above 5000 (2011 census) subject to meet the expenditure from Gram Panchayat General Funds.
The Director, PR &RD, Tadepalli, shall take necessary further action accordingly.
This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-PR & RD, RWS) Department vide their U.O.No.FINOFMUOPC(PRRD)/83/2024(Computer No: 2520184) dated. 08.08.2024
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