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Wednesday 14 August 2024

FA 1 CBA 1 Maths Model Papers 6th to 10th

FA 1 CBA 1 Maths Model Papers 6th to 10th download pdf FA1-CBA 1 Exams Model papers 2024-25 FA 1 Maths Question Papers Class 6 to 10 Mathematics CE FA1 / Formative 1 / Formative Assessment 1 Maths Question Papers Model Papers for 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Classes VI / VII / VIII / IX / X Classes FA 1 Maths Question Papers for 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Class Slip Test 2024-2025 Pdf FA-1 Question Papers 2024-25 Formative Assessment 1 QP 1-10th Class All Subjects Formative Assessment Question Papers for 2024-25 FA-1 Maths Question Papers 1-10th Class, FA- Maths Question Papers APSCERT FA-1 QUESTION PAPERS

FA 1 CBA 1 Mathematics Model Papers 6th to 10th - 

Blue print and structure for the proposed CBA for classes 1 to 8 is as follows:

Blueprint Creation:

Blueprint is the framework that is prepared ahead of assessment tool developed to ensure the scientific design of the tool development. The purpose of the blueprint design is to make sure that the assessments meet their objectives.

Type of questions:

a. Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

An MCQ will contain a question stem with two to four logically framed options. The wrong options will help in the identification of students misconceptions. Students will need to pick one option among the choices given, as the correct answer. MCQs have the following advantages:

i. They help test a wide variety of skills, from knowledge of facts to application and inference.

ii. They help in pinpointing common errors made by students.

b. Free Response Questions (FRs):

These are open ended questions where students will write heir own responses without any restrictions. These questions can include 

1. Fill in the blanks: Easy to construct

2. Very short answers: Help test the writing skills of the students effectively

3. Short Answers: Tested to check writing and sentence creation skills of students, or to test the understanding or definition of a particular concept

4. Long Answers: 

When asked in Language, offer students an opportunity to demonstrate their thinking ability, creativity and writing skills.

In Mathematics, such questions help the teachers understand the thought process of a student based on the method the student uses to arrive at an answer, thereby, gauging the knowledge and understanding of a concept

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FA 1 / CBA 1 Maths Model Papers 6th to 10th AP  FA 1 / Formative 1 / Formative Assessment 1 Maths Model Papers 2024-25

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