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Friday 2 August 2024

AP School Complex Meetings Schedule, Guidelines 2024-25

AP School Complex Meetings Schedule, Guidelines 2024-25 AP Primary Level Complexes, High School Level (Subject) Complex Meetings 2024-25 Schedule, Guidelines, Timeline, Agenda, Session-wise Topics, month-wise Themes à°¸్à°•ూà°²్ à°•ాంà°ª్à°²ెà°•్à°¸్ à°®ీà°Ÿింà°—్à°¸్ à°·ెà°¡్à°¯ూà°²్ 2024-25 AP Primary Level Complexes, Subject Complex Schedule 2024-2025 Action plan for conduct of school complexes during the year 2024-25 Conduct of Primary & Subject School Complex meetings cum Trainings 2024-2025 Schedule, Guidelines Themes: Themes will be discussed in the Complex Meetings under specific agenda items.

AP School Complex Meetings Schedule, Guidelines 2024-25 AP Primary Level Complexes, High School Level (Subject) Complex Meetings 2024-25 Schedule, Guidelines, Timeline, Agenda, Session-wise Topics, month-wise Themes

School complex meetings are discussion forums for teachers at complex level, for Foundational Schools  (Primary Schools), Secondary Schools on various subjects. Organising these trainings at a complex level is one strategy to enhance the capacity of teachers and provide continuous support to the teachers for the improvement of their pedagogy. This can also be considered as a decentralised and context based support that teachers have access to throughout the academic years. This platform will also be able to provide a space for teachers to identify and develop solutions that they face in classes currently.

AP School Complex Meetings Schedule, Guidelines 2024-25

School Education - SCERT AP- Dates for School Complexes - Instructions Issued Reg Rc. No: ESE02/578/2024-SCERT  Dt:03/08/2024


1. Academic Calendar 2024-25. 

2. 2 Dates of School Complexes.

The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers, and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the state is invited to the reference cited above, wherein detailed activities are designed and released for the academic year 2024-25. With partial modification to the designated dates for the conduct of school complexes, the following dates are notified. These dates should be followed to conduct school complexes accordingly.

School Complex Meetings Month-wise Schedule 2024-25:

1st Complex Meeting 17-08-2024 & 19-08-2024
2nd Complex Meeting 17-09-2024 & 18-09-2024
3rd Complex Meeting 16-10-2024 & 17-10-2024
4th Complex Meeting 18-11-2024 & 19-11-2024
5th Complex Meeting
16-12-2024 & 17-12-2024
6th Complex Meeting 22-01-2025 & 23-01-2025
7th Complex Meeting 21-02-2025 & 22-02-2024
8th Complex Meeting 21-03-2025 & 22-03-2025

School Complex Meetings Objectives:

  • Develop the concept & sense of Complex as a whole
  • Enhance the capacity building of teachers to provide support on a continuum basis
  • h Share and exchange experiences among the teachers and disseminate the best practices
  • Improve the quality of learning among the children through teachers’ Continuous Professional Development

Rc.No. SS-15024/4/2023-SAMO-SSA 06/08/2024

Sub Samagra Shiksha -AP Quality Initiatives Communication of schedule to the DEOs in the State for conducting School Complex Meetings cum Trainings - Issue of Guidelines Orders issued - Reg.

Ref: Rc. No.ESE02/578/2024-SCERT, DT.3-8-2024

All the District Educational Officers, Additional Project Coordinators of SS and Mandal Education Officers in the State are informed that as per the recommendations of NEP 2020, every teacher is expected to participate in at 50 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities every year for their own professional development, driven by their own interests. The aim of these school complex/cluster will promote greater resource efficiency and more effective functioning, coordination, leadership, governance and management of school clusters.

The activities of the school complexes are as follows:

  • Introduction of better methods of evaluation and for regulating the promotion of children from one class to another.
  • In service training on pedagogy. TLM preparation and new programmes implementing by the department to all teachers.
  • Organization of periodical meetings of teachers in the School Complex for Continuous teacher training programmes.
  • Sharing the best practices and resources among the cluster schools.
  • Inspection of cluster school headmaster to lower schools for providing in job support. 
In view of the above certain instructions issued to the districts for the effective conduct of school complex meetings:

1. As per the academic calendar 2024-25 designed by SCERT, these meetings will be conducted as per the schedule communicated.

2. The meetings will be planned by the school complex Heads at their complex level.

3. The MEOs should monitor the school complex meetings conducted in their respective mandals.

4. The school complex head should ensure that the venue should have all digital infrastructure facilities.

5. The MEO 1 and the School Complex Head should plan well in advance the RPs for the entire sessions to be handled.

6. The monitoring officers should guide and provide job support to anchors of the training.

7. AMOs should facilitate the school complex meetings and make monitoring visits and also fill the observation form which is provided by the State office.

Further all the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of SS in the State are instructed to make functional all the School Complexes approved in the PAB 2024-25.

In this regard the APCs of SS in the State are informed to issue suitable instructions for conduct of 8 Primary school complex trainings and 8 subject school complex trainings for improving the professional quality levels of Teachers in the State.

The Primary school complex meetings will be conducted in two phases covering 50% of teachers from each school without hindrance to regular school activates and to ensure each complex 30 to 40 teachers should attend the training with 100%. To make the school complexes effectively implemented, MEO of that mandal may combine two complexes' meetings at one place. First day at first school and second day at another school.

Schedule of complex meetings

Complex Type: Primary school complex meetings for Primary level

As per the monthly schedule communicated. CRC for Primary Schools: 50% of primary teachers on Day-1 & 50% of primary teachers on Day-2

School Complex Meetings Timeline:

Foundational School Level:

  • Scheduled Day 1 of every month - 50% of primary teachers will attend
  • Scheduled Day 2 of every month - remaining 50% of primary teachers will attend.
  • If it is a holiday, school complex meeting will be scheduled on the next working day

High School Level:
  • Scheduled day 1 of Every Month - Telugu, Maths, Bio Science teachers will attend
  • High School Level
  • Scheduled day 2 of Every Month - Hindi, English, Phy Science and Social studies teachers will attend
  • If it is a holiday, school complex meeting will be scheduled on the next working day
Physical Education Complex Meeting Day-1: 
  • Arrange Physical complex Meeting with PET/PDs at the constituency level to discuss on strengthening of physical education

Complex Meeting Schedule and Agenda for Foundational Schools:

Primary Complex Month-wise Themes:

Complex Meeting Schedule and Agenda for High Schools:

High School Complex Month-wise Themes:

Sports Complexes 2024 Agenda:

Download Complex Meetings 2024-25 Guidelines, Activities Proceedings

AP School Complex Meetings Complete details download

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