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Sunday 9 June 2024

AP Schools Reopening 2024

AP Schools Reopening 2024 Revised Date Summer vacation 2024 extended one day in AP

In Andhra Pradesh, the government has extended the summer vacation for schools by one day. An announcement has been issued revealing the date of re-opening of schools. The school education department took this decision on the request of the teachers. On 13th of this month, the school bell will ring in the schools of the state. In the background of Chandrababu taking oath as CM on 12th, many teachers unions have requested to provide flexibility to attend the program. The government responded positively and issued this decision.

The government has announced that the summer vacations in the state will be extended till the 12th of this month. According to the schedule, the schools were supposed to reopen on the 12th, but they will reopen on the 13th. In view of Chandrababu's swearing-in as CM on 12th, many teachers unions have requested to provide flexibility to attend the event. Responding positively, the government issued orders extending the holidays by another day.

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School Education-Re-opening  of  schools with effect from 13.06.2024 for the Academic Year 2024-2025 - Permission accorded Communicated -Reg Memo.No.Spl/A&I/2024-CSE, Dated: 10.06.2024.

Ref: Govt Memo.No.2462112Ser.II/A2/2024, Dated:10.06.2024.

Government has accorded  permission  to the Commissioner of School Education  to  re-open all the Schools with effect from   13.06.2024 for the Academic Year 2024-2025.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational officers in the state are directed to follow the instructions issued by the Government and re-open all the Schools with effect from 13.06.2024 for the Academic Year 2024-2025.

This has got the approval of the Commissioner of School Education

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