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Thursday 27 June 2024

AP High Schools, PMSHRI Schools Vocational Education Implementation Guidelines 2024

AP High Schools, PMSHRI Schools Vocational Education Implementation Guidelines 2024 PM SHRI and Samagra Shiksha Guidelines for implementation of Vocational Education in Secondary and Higher secondary schools - Orders Issued


PM SHRI and Samagra Shiksha,-Guidelines for implementation of Vocational Education in Secondary and Higher secondary schools - Orders Issued Reg R.C.No. SS-21024/8/2024, Dated:26/06/2024


Ref: Renewal Work orders of this office


All the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are informed that the Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh has implementing the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Vocationalisation of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (CSSVSHSE) in 539 Schools with 818 Vocational Trainers under Samagra Shiksha and 629 schools with 1151 Vocational Trainers under PM SHRI scheme for the academic year 2024-25 across the state from 9th class to 12th class in 10 Sectors.


All District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are hereby informed that to communicate the enclosed guidelines to all the concerned Head Masters/Principals for the implementation of vocational education in the schools listed (enclosed). If any Head Master/Principal fails to comply with the guidelines, appropriate actions will be taken.



Vocational Education implementation guidelines Background:


The Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh has implementing the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Vocationalisation of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education(CSSVSHSE) in 539 Schools with 818 Vocational Trainers under Samagra Shiksha and 629 schools with 1151 Vocational Trainers under PM SHRI scheme for the academic year 2024- 25 across the state from 9th class to 12th class in 11 Sectors namely 1. Agriculture, 2. Apparel, 3. Automotive, 4. Electronics, 5. IT& ITES, 6. Beauty & Wellness, 7. Food Proceeding, 8. Telecom, 9. Health care, 10. BFSI and 11. Retail. Vocational Education is to be taught as a compulsory additional subject, which means every student of 9th and 11th should start attend the Vocational Education subject.


The Samagra Shiksha and PM SHRI, Andhra Pradesh is implementing the Vocational Education program through its Vocational Training Partners (VTP). The VTPs are made an agreement with Samagra Shiksha and PM SHRI Scheme,Andhra Pradesh to implement the Vocational Education program by appointing one Vocational Trainer for one trade in allotted schools. Further, allocate 6 periods of time in a week for each class from 9th to 12th for Vocational Education subjects. The Samagra Shiksha and PM SHRI Andhra Pradesh is providing the required tools & equipment and raw materials for smooth implementation of Vocational Education as funds allocated by Ministry of Education, New Delhi.




Vocational Training Partner:


The Vocational Training Partners (VTP) is selected through a transparent process by Samagra Shiksha and PM SHRI Scheme, Andhra Pradesh and NSDC, New Delhi for implementation of CSSVSHSE Vocational Education for 9th class to 12th class in selected schools and selected trades by appointing one Vocational Trainer per school per trade. A Vocational Coordinator is appointed by VTP to coordinate with Headmasters/ Principals and VTs for smooth implementation of the program. VTP will pay the honorarium to VTs and VCs. If any VT resigns or left from the job, VTP will appoint another VT within 15 days after prior information to Samagra Shiksha and PM SHRI Scheme, Andhra Pradesh.


Vocational Trainers (VTs) and Vocational Coordinators (VCs): VTs appointed by VTPs will work under your guidance for vocational education academics at school level. VCs appointed by VTPs will coordinate with the VTs and HMs/ Principals regarding the vocational education program's implementation in schools for specific trades.


Vocational Trainer's Honorarium: The vocational Trainers’ honorarium will be paid on basis of attendance. They can avail up to 12 days of casual leave per academic year i.e. one leave per month with prior approval of HM / Principal. VTPs will decide on Maternity/Paternity leave for Vocational Trainers, and they must make alternate arrangements. All the Government holidays from School Education department to schools will be applicable to Vocational Trainers. The HM / Principal has to acknowledge the attendance report of VT through Lighthouse application.


Vocational Trainer's Attendance and Reporting: Maintain separate attendance register for vocational trainers. Report the joining of Vocational Trainers to the SS Head Office. The attendance report of VTs will be generated through Light House application, the HM / Principal to check and acknowledge the same for process of his/ her salary from the VTP through their login.


Lend A Hand India:


Lend-A-Hand India (LAHI) organization is working in skill education sector and has entered a non-financial MoU with Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh and established a Project Management Unit to provide technical support in implementation of Vocational Education. LAHI is developed a monitoring application ‘Light House’ for real time monitoring of Vocational Education implementation in the State. Representatives of LAHI also visits the schools and provide necessary inputs to Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh.


Girl Child Development Officers (GCDO):


Girl Child Development Officers (GCDO) and Assistant Girl Child Development Officers are the responsible for the monitoring of Vocational Education at district level. A detailed proceedings Rc. No. SS/13/2023- GCDO Dated: 07/06/2023 were given with roles and responsibilities.


Public & Private industries, MSMEs, Artisans etc.:


The integration of industry partnerships in Vocational education enhances learning by providing access to guest lectures, field visits, internships, and post-education placements. These agreements create enriched learning environments and practical exposure to real-world scenarios. Subject matter experts from small workshops, artisan places, and MSMEs offer valuable insights, deepening students' understanding of industry practices and trends. Hands-on internships bridge the gap between theoretical learning and real-world skills, ensuring a seamless transition from education to employment. Industry collaborations also support entrepreneurial endeavours by establishing and equipping labs, fostering innovation and self-reliance among aspiring entrepreneurs.


Implementation of VE in schools:


  • Students Enrolment: Ensure every student of 9th class and 11th class shall attend the Vocational Education classes and students of 10th & 12th (who have attended the Vocational Education classes in AY 2024-25). Each student is eligible for only one Trade/Course. Obtain an undertaking from parents to retain the student in school till completion of Level-2 (10th class)/ Level-4 (12th class) of Vocational Education.
  • Period Allocation in Timetable: Allot sector-wise periods, at least one period per day per class/level for each trade, to the Vocational Trainers in classes 9th to 12th. Each class in every trade must get 6 period of time in a week i.e. 4 Practical and 2 Theory per week.
  • Lab room allocation: Allot a separate classroom/ Lab room for each trade with a minimum of 600 SFT area. This room will be exclusively to be used for Vocational Education. The tools and equipment of that trade to be placed in the allocated lab / class room only.

Lab Establishment & Maintenance of Tools & Equipment:

  1. The Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh will supply the tools & equipment, and raw materials to the schools as per the trades implemented. These lab equipment and raw material will be supplied only for vocational classes’ purposes and this equipment should be placed in the allocated Vocational Lab only and used for Vocational Education purpose only.
  2. The HMs / Principals are responsible for the complete lab setup and maintenance. The vocational trainer will support the HMs / Principals for lab set up and maintenance.
  3. The HMs / Principals must ensure the maintenance of the stock register separately for Vocational Education only. The VT will report the tools & equipment and raw material status through Light House application. 
  4. Form a functional sub-committee of the parent-teacher committee for administrative responsibilities such as Guest lectures, Internships, Skill Activities, and Students Enrollment etc.

  • Formative Assessments: Ensure the conduction of internal assessments of students as formative assessments along with other subjects. Ensure entry of assessment marks in the Central Marks Register along with other subjects. There will be 20% of overall weightage to the internal assessment in Vocational Subject.
  • Guest Lectures: Monitor and guide guest lectures conducted by Vocational Trainers. One guest lecture per class per trade per month to be conducted mandatory by Vocational Trainer respectively. Rs. 750/- per guest lecture will be paid by VTP to the resource person, the HM/ Principal to be acknowledge the payment receipt.
  • Industry / Field Visits: Monitor and guide Industry / Field visits conducted by Vocational Trainers. One Industry / Field visit per class per trade in every half year to be conducted mandatory by Vocational Trainer. Engage 2 staf members during industrial visits, especially if girl students attend, ensure a lady staf/faculty accompanies them. Rs.10000/- per visit industrial/ feld visit is allowed per class in a half year. The expenditure for the Industry / Field visits will borne by the VTP and the HM/ Principal to be acknowledge the expenditure receipts.
  • Internships: Monitor and guide internships facilitated by VTs. Ensure all the students of 10th, 11th and 12th students get the atleast 12-15 days (80Hrs) of internship opportunity in entire course. The internships may be planned in holidays in nearby areas of students’ hometowns or School location.
  • Prevocational classes: The Headmaster / Principal will be responsible for implementation of 10 pre-vocational classes (exposure to vocational education) for classes 6th to 8th in an academic year.
  • Records and Reports: Ensure all the records and reports like attendance, stock register, tools status report etc. in the control of Head Master / Principal only. The Headmaster / Principal is whole and sole responsible for smooth implementation of Vocational Education in the concerned school.

 Financial Records:

  • Maintain separate cash books, stock registers, and attendance registers of students for Vocational Education and leave registers for Vocational Trainers.
  • Provide necessary expenditures from the amount deposited to schools by SS under the Vocational Education grant as per SS's orders. Maintain separate purchase records.
  • Ensure the budget provided for Vocational Education is utilized only for vocational education purposes and not for any other purposes. 

 Monitoring through Light House Application: The Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh has introduced the Light House portal with support of Lend A Hand India organization to monitor the implementation of Vocational Education. Every VT and VC has provided the logins to report every activity of Vocational Education like vocational classes, guest lectures, industrial visits, feld visits, students’ attendance, tools & equipment status etc. The VT must report all the activities related to vocational education along with photographs through Light House application. The attendance of VT will be generated based on his/ her work and reports submitted in Light House application. HM must approve or provide the remarks on the attendance report generated through light house application before 5th day of every month


Progress Review and Reporting:


Conduct regular monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/annual reviews on student progress and vocational education-related activities and facilities. Report to the State Office through the route channel from the District Office.

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