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Thursday 19 October 2023

CFMS Monthly reconciliation Certifcate Online Submission

CFMS Monthly reconciliation Certifcate Online Submission Public Services - T&A (sub) Services - Submission of the Monthly reconciliation Certifcate online in CFMS portal - Instructions -Issued Regarding

Public Services-T&A (sub) Services - Submission of the Monthly reconciliation Certificate online in CFMS portal - Instructions - Issued - Regarding Memo. No: FIN02-15/11/2023-E SEC-DTA Date: 01/12/2023

1. Minutes of the DT&AOs meeting held on 23rd and 24th August, 2023.

2. This office Memo. No. FIN02-15/11/2023-E SEC-DTA, dt. 17.10.2023.

Attention of all the District Treasury and Accounts Officers in the State is invited to the reference 2nd cited, wherein, they were directed to instruct all the DDOs under their jurisdiction to verify the reports provided in the CFMS portal and submit the Monthly reconciliation certificate through Bio-metric authentication. But most of the DDOs have not done the DDO-STO reconciliation.

They are therefore directed to take this to the notice to all the STOs under their jurisdiction and the STOs in turn address all the DDOs under their jurisdiction for submiting the Monthly reconciliation certifcates of all the DDOs under their jurisdiction immediately.

This may be treated as TOP PRIORITY and deviation of the above instructions will be viewed seriously.

In view of the above, all the DT&AOs are requested to submit the Monthly reconciliation Certifcates of all the Treasury DDOs under their jurisdiction immediately, so as to  submit the Quarterly Reconciliation Certifcate of this department.

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