AP MLC Elections 2023 Holiday Declaration to schools Declaration of the day of poll on 13th March, Monday as a holiday for schools Biennial elections to the Legislative Council of Andhra Pradesh from Teachers Constituencies - Declaration of the day of poll on 13th March, Monday as a holiday for schools, to facilitate the teachers of Government, Aided and Private schools for exercising their franchise - Orders - Issued
School Education Department - Biennial elections to the Legislative Council of Andhra Pradesh from Teachers Constituencies - Declaration of the day of poll on 13th March, Monday as a holiday for schools, to facilitate the teachers of Government, Aided and Private schools for exercising their franchise - Orders - Issued Memo No:2018059/Ser.ll/2023-1 Dated: 11.03.2023
In the wake of Biennial elections to the Legislative Council of Andhra Pradesh from Teachers Constituencies, Government, hereby declare the day of poll on 13th March, Monday as a holiday for schools, to facilitate the Teachers of Government, Aided and Private schools who are bonafied voters in the elections, for exercising their right of franchise.
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The Commissioner of School Education, is therefore, requested to take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.