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Saturday, 22 October 2022

AP EdCET Admissions 2022 Notification, Web Counselling

AP EdCET Admissions 2022 Notification, Web Counselling AP EdCET 2022 Registration, Web Options Schedule 2022 DETAILED NOTIFICATION AP Ed.CET 2022 Admissions - Schedule for Certificate Verification and web options

Eligible and qualified candidates of AP Ed.CET-2022 seeking admission into 1st Year B.Ed./ B.Ed. Special Education Programs offered under the Government/Private/Minority/Unaided Institutions in the state of Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2022-23 are informed to register online at from 22-10-2022 to 27-10-2022 and upload scanned copies of relevant documents.

OC/BC candidates have to pay the processing fee of Rs.1200/- and SC/ST/PH candidates Rs.600/- through online payment.

For all other details refer the detailed notification placed on the website: 

For candidates of special category (PH/CAP/NCC/Sports & Games/Anglo Indians), the certificate verification will be done physically at HLC, Andhra Loyola College, Sentini Hospital Road, Veterinary Colony, Vijayawada on 27-10-2022.


22-10-2022 to 27-10-2022

Verification of Certificates

23-10-2022 to 31-10-2022

For candidates of special category (PH/CAP/NCC/Sports & Games/Anglo Indians), the certificate verification will be done physically at HLC, Andhra Loyola College, Sentini Hospital Road, Veterinary Colony, Vijayawada


Web Options

01-11-2022 to 03-11-2022

Change of web Options


Seat allotment


Self-Reporting and Joining

07-11-2022 to 09-11-2022

Commencement of Classwork



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Rs.1200/- (for OC/BC) and Rs.600/- (for SC/ST/PH)through online by creditcard/debit card/(or) net banking through the “Pay Processing Fee” link in the website 

All the candidates from 1st to Last Rank can pay the processing fee from 22.10.2022 onwards using URL

  1. Enter AP Ed.CET –2022 Hall Ticket number and rank and click on pay fee
  2. The candidate will be directed to payment gateway.
  3. Select any one mode of payment i.e., credit card or debit card or net bank ingandenter credentials.
  4. Once the payment is success click on print button and take a print out.
  5. Candidate shall note that he/she shall have paid the processing fee when candidate upload scanned copies of certificates i.e., the processing fee should be paid online by the candidate before he/she upload scanned copies of certificates.

IIa) Online Certificate Verification

Verification of Certificates of all candidates except candidates of Special category will be done online.

Schedule for Certificate Verification of Special Categories  IIb)Centralized Certificate Verification-Special Categories

Candidates of special category (PH/CAP/NCC/Sports & Games/AI) shall upload the scanned copies of all certificates (both academic and special category) through web portal: The original certificates shall be produced at Andhra Loyola CollegeHelp Line Centre on 27.10.2022 for verification and fixing priorities.

Only at Andhra Loyola College, Sentini Hospital Road, Veterinary Colony, Vijayawada


Special category





PH (VI), PH (O), PH (HI), NCC, Sports &
Games, CAP and Anglo-Indian

1 To Last


PH (VI)-VisuallyImpaired

PH (O)-OrthopedicallyHandicapped PH (HI)-Hearing Impaired

NCC-National Cadet Corps;

Sports & Games

CAP-ChildrenofArmedForcesPersonnel Anglo-Indian


Candidates are instructed to visit the website for rules of admission under PH/CAP/NCC/Sports&Games/AI Authority and for priorities. Candidates claiming Special reservation categories PH/CAP/NCC/Sports &Games/AI are informed that the decision of PH/CAP/NCC/SAAP Verification authority is final with regard to priorities and genuineness of the certificates produced. Up on allotment, the certificate produced by the candidate is found false/fake the provisional allotment stands cancelled and the candidate is liable for criminal prosecution.

The following are the scanned original certificates to be uploaded at the time of Registration. Scanned original certificates issued by the respective universities only will be considered. Certificates downloaded from websites will not be considered.

  • AP Ed.CET-2022HallTicket
  • AP Ed.CET-2022RankCard
  • Transfer Certificate(T.C.)
  • Degree Marks Memos/Consolidated Marks Memo
  • Degree Provisional Certificate
  • Intermediate Marks Memo/Diploma Marks Memo
  • S.C. or its equivalent Marks Memo
  • Study Certificates from Class IX to Degree
  • Residence Certificate (incase where candidate has no institutionalized education) in respect to Private candidates of A.P.State.
  • Residence certificate of either of the parent in A.P. for 10 years excluding the period of employment outside Andhra Pradesh from the competent authority in respect to Non-Local Candidates.
  • Latest valid Income Certificate or Ration Card issued by the competent authority containing the name of the candidate
  • Caste Certificate issued by competent authority in respect to SC/ST/BC
  • Latest Economically Weaker Section(EWS)certificate if applicable
  • Local status certificate if applicable i.e., a candidate who migrates to any partof the state of Andhra Pradesh from the state of Telangana within a period of Seven years from the 2ndday of June, 2014 shall be regarded as the local candidate in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Certificates to be produced by PH/CAP/NCC & Sports at the time of certificate Verification at Help Line Centre, Andhra Loyola College, Sentini Hospital Road, Veterinary Colony, Vijayawada:

  1. PH: Certificate issued by the District Medical Board. Candidates with 40% and above disability are only eligible.
  2. CAP: Certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer (In case of Ex-Servicemen) Identity card and Service Discharge book for verification. Candidates whose parents are domicile of Andhra Pradesh are only eligible to be considered under “CAP” Category.
  3. NCC & Sports: To produces Original Certificates issued by competent
  4. Anglo-Indian: A Certificate issued by Competent Authority of their place of Residence.

Note: Original Certificates need not be deposited in the college at the time of admission.

Exercising the options:

The detailed procedures for exercising the option, candidates are directed to visit separate link “Instructions to the Candidates “available in the website (

Schedule for exercising options:












Eligibility to B.Ed./B.Ed. Special Educationprograms:

Candidate shall have attempted relevant methodology subject at AP Ed.CET-2022 based on the subjects of study at Degree or PG level (for English methodology) as the case may be.





Candidates with B.A/B.Sc. with Mathematics as one of the group subjects or B.C.A. candidate’s with Mathematics at intermediate level as a group subject or B.Tech. with Mathematics & Physics.

Physical science

Candidates with B.Sc. who have studied Physics and Chemistry or Allied      Material Sciences (See Annexure-I) under Part-II  group subjects or B.C.A.     Candidates with  Physical Sciences (Physics and
Chemistry) at intermediate level as group subjects.

Biological science

Candidates with B.Sc./B.Sc.(Home Science) who have studied Botany and Zoology or Allied Life Sciences (See Annexure-II)under Part-II group subjects or B.C.A. candidates with Biological Sciences at intermediate level as group subjects.

Social studies

All candidates with B.A./B.Com./B.B.M or B.C.A. candidates with Social Sciences at intermediate level as group subjects.


Candidates with B.A Special English or M.A. English.


Candidates should have secured a minimum of 50% marks either in the Bachelor’s Degree i.e., B.A./B.Sc./B.Sc. (Home Science)/B.Com./B.C.A./B.B.M and or in the Post Graduate Degree in relevant subject or 5 years integrated course in the relevant subject of methodology or any other qualification equivalent thereto. However the candidates belonging to all reserved categories S.C, S.T, B.C.(A/B/C/D/E), and physically handicapped should have secured a minimum of 40% marks in the qualifying examination.

Note: The candidates who passed B.E/B.Tech. with minimum of 55% of marks with Mathematics, Physics are eligible for admission into the Course.

Age Limit: The candidates should have completed the age of 19 years on the 1stof July in the year in which notification is issued. There shall be no maximum age limit.

Appearing for methodology paper other than eligible methodology in AP Ed.CET-2022 and obtaining rank does not confer any right to claim admission in that methodology.


  1. All AP Ed.CET-2022 qualified Candidates can exercise their options from any Internet café or from their Residence after Certificates Verification on the above mentioned dates. The detailed Procedure of Exercising Options will be placed on the Website
  2. Options will be frozen on 11.2022 and
  3. Allotment of seats will be placed in the Website on 11.2022.
  4. For all other details please refer the Website
  5. Fee particulars and seats available under Convener Quota College wise will be available on the website: well before the commencement of Option Entry.
  6. The Government (G.O.Ms.No.77 of Social Welfare (EDN) Department dated 25-12-2020) ordered that in case of Post-Graduation programs ,the(i)“Jagananna Vidya Deevena (RTF)” and (ii) “Jagananna Vasathi Deevena (MTF)”schemes shall be applicable only to the students admitted under Convener quotain the Post Graduate programs/offered by the State funded Universities and Government Degree/PG Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh from2021-22.Theabovearenotapplicableto the students admitted under convener quota, in case of Post Graduate programs/courses either regular or self-finance mode, in the Private Aided and Private Unaided Degree/PG Colleges from the academic year 2021-22 fresh admissions.

Candidate Registration click here

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Print Your Application Form click here

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