APTET 2022 Normalisation Formula, Process AP TET August 2022 Marks Normalization Formula, Process How to normalize AP TET Score Marks 2022 Download
Normalization mark of jth candidate in ith shift ^ij is given by:
Mij = normalized marks of jth candidate in the ith shift
Mtg = is the average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates considering all shifts (number of candidates will be rounded-up)
Mqg = is the sum of mean and standard deviation marks of the candidates in the examination considering all shifts
Mti = is the average marks of the top 0.1% of the candidates in the ith shift (number of candidates will be rounded up)
Miq = is the sum of mean marks and standard deviation of the ith shift Mij = is the actual marks obtained by the jth candidate in the ith shift
Mqgm = is the sum of mean marks of candidates in the shift having maximum mean and standard deviation of marks of candidates in the examination considering all
NOTE: Calculation of marks will be up to 5 decimal places