Nadu-Nedu 2nd Phase Revised administrative approval Guidelines G.O.Ms.No119
School Education - Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase II - Administrative Approval accorded for implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II - Revised administrative approval for improving Infrastructure facilities in 22,344 Schools and other Educational institutions with a total Budget outlay of Rs.8,000 Crores - Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No119 Dated:22-06-2022
Read the following:
- G. O. Ms No 87, School Education Department, dated :30-112019.
- G. O. Ms No 22, School Education Department, dated: 06-052020.
- G. O.Ms.No.27, School Education(Prog.II) Department,
dtd:30.03.2021 read with the G.O.Ms.No.15, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dt.23.03.2022. - From the CSE, AP File No. ESE02/721/2020-DESIGN-CSE-Part(2) (Computer No. 1746606 ), dt.08.06.2022.
In the G.O. 1st read above, administrative approval was accorded to implement the Mana Badi Nadu Nedu programme for transformation of Government schools in the State with effect from the Financial Year 20192020, duly issuing detailed guidelines for upgrading the infrastructure in 15,715 schools through Parent's Committees in the State under Phase-I programme.
- In the G.O. 3rd read above, administrative approval was accorded for implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II, to improve infrastructure facilities in 13,981 Schools (High Schools and Primary Schools) with a total Budget outlay of 4535.73 Crores, subject to adhere the conditions therein.
- In the reference 4th read above, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. has submitted revised proposal for approving the program of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu, Phase-II to improve the infrastructure in 22,344 schools and other Educational institutions with a total Budget outlay of 8,000 crores as follows:
2 |
977 |
124.32 |
335 |
863 |
102.14 |
45.75 |
147.89 |
851 |
2437 |
283.71 |
2163 |
556 |
937 |
500.10 |
2067 |
11769 |
1471.57 |
1064.64 |
2536.21 |
2041 |
16001 |
1894.65 |
5045 |
4931 |
4 |
2236 |
2236 |
182 |
2236 |
182 |
468 |
280.00 |
468 |
280 |
12893 |
2261.61 |
3600 |
15523 |
1919.06 |
1293.02 |
3212.08 |
5851 |
22210 |
2526.31 |
22344 |
8000 |
Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby accord revised administrative approval for implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II, in partial modification of the G.O.Ms.No.27 , SE(Prog.II) Dept., dtd:30.03.2021 read with GO. Ms. No.15, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dtd.23.03.2022 to improve infrastructure facilities in 22,344 Schools and other Educational institutions with a total Budget outlay of Rs.8,000 Crores (Rupees Eight thousand corres) duly following the guidelines issued in the GO. Ms.87, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dt.30.11.2019 and G.O.Ms.No.27, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dt:30.03.2021 read with the G.O.Ms.No.15, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dt.23.03.2022 and other circular memos issued in the matter from time to time, subject to adhere the following conditions:
Physical grounding of ACRs should be strictly as per the norms and the actual requirement:
- The High Power tender Committee shall identify certain
material/works to be procured at Central level as Central Procurement Material. The APEWIDC shall be the procurement agency for such material.
- The highest priority shall be accorded for the completion of
incomplete buildings which were taken up under different grants, including the works grounded under Nadu-Nedu Phase-I.
- Due caution shall be exercised in the procurement of the materials through the centralized procurement mode. The items to be procured, their specifications & the quantity to be procured shall be carefully & prudently estimated. The order placement shall be made in phases, based upon the carefully estimated requirement, to ensure optimized resource deployment whereby neither capital nor inventory is locked up.
- The amount/s provided through the Green Channel PD Accounts shall be treated as advance to the implementing agencies. The implementing agencies shall submit all the relevant vouchers to the post-audit by the STO concerned. The STO in turn shall ensure (100) % voucher verification & take corrective action, wherever necessary.
- The officials incurring the expenditure under Nadu-Nedu shall be responsible for the (100) % submission of vouchers to the STO concerned & obtaining the post- audit certificate for the amount spent by him.
In case of transfer, it shall be responsibility of the competent relieving authority to relieve the officials only after ensuring that all relevant vouchers have been submitted by the official concerned for post-audit to the STO."
- The Commissioner of School Education, A.P., shall take further
necessary action accordingly, in the matter. - This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (FMU-
Education) Department vide their U.O.No.FIN01-FMUOASD(SE)/57/2020- FMU-SE (Computer No.1289730), dt.22.06.2022.