APR Minority Junior Colleges Admissions 2022-23 notification, Application APR Minority Junior Colleges Admissions 2022-23 into Intermediate 1st year
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Admissions in Minority Junior Colleges for the Academic year - 2022-23
At present APREI Society is managing 3 Residential Minority Junior The details of colleges are as detailed below:
S.No |
Name of the college |
Admission for |
1 |
APRJC (Minority), Guntur, Guntur District |
Boys |
2 |
APRJC (Minority), Kurnool, Kurnool District |
Boys |
3 |
APRJC (Minority), Vayalpadu, Chittoor District |
Girls |
- All the APR Minority Junior Colleges are providing education in Residential
- Individual attention is being paid to each student.
- Loco Parent system is implemented by appointing one loco parent to a group of 15 to 20
- Long term Coaching is provided to students to prepare them for exams like EAMCET/CA-CPT
- Day starts with the physical exercises and Classes will commence at 8 am and academic activities will continue till 10.00 pm in the
- Apart from the academic activities, importance is given to sports and games and other co-curricular activities for all-round development of
- Special care is taken for talented and low
3. Facilities and fee payable to the college at the time of admission at all APR Minority Junior Colleges:
- The colleges offer free education besides free boarding and lodging to all selected
- Special fee and examination fee will be collected as per the rate prescribed by BIE, P.
- Caution deposit of Rs 25/- per year will be collected at the time of
Maintenance charges Rs.1000/- will be collected at the time of admission for 1st year and Rs.1000/- in the 2nd year.
- Minority Boys are eligible for apply for Minority Junior Colleges for Boys and Minority Girls are eligible for apply for Minority Junior Colleges for
- SC & ST Boys and Girls are also eligible for admission into Minority Junior Colleges. However, they shall attend APRJC CET and shall qualify as per
- All candidates must have studied in Andhra Pradesh only and must have passed the qualifying examination in first attempt in SSC-2022.
- Candidates who have passed before 2021-22 are not eligibleand shall not
- Candidate must secure a minimum GPA of 5 or equivalent Marks in S.C or equivalent qualifying examination and must secure a minimum of Grade Point 4 or equivalent marks in English.
- The Muslim Minority candidates who have studied Urdu Medium in SSC / Urdu as second language in SSC are eligible for taking Urdu Medium in Minority Junior Colleges.
6. Allotment of seats in APR Minority Junior Colleges:
Jurisdiction of admission in AP Residential Minority Junior Colleges - Boys:
Sl. No |
Name of the college |
Jurisdiction |
Districts coming under Jurisdiction |
1. |
A.P. Residential Junior College (Minority), Nandivelugu Road, Guntur, Guntur District-Pin: 520 001. Cell :9701451826 |
Costal Andhra |
Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Parvathipuram Manyam, Alluri Seetharamaraju, Visakhapatnam, Anakapalli, Kakinada, East Godavari, Konaseema, West Godavari, Euru, Krishna, NTR, Guntur, Palnadu, Bapatla, Prakasam, SPSR Nellore districts |
2. |
A.P. Residential Junior College (Minority), Kalluru Estate, Vanijyanagar, SAP Camp, Kurnool, Kurnool District. PIN:518 003 Cell: 9908543519 |
Rayalaseema |
Sri Balaji, Chittoor, Annamayya, YSR Kadapa, Sri Satyasai, Ananthapuramu, Nandyal, Kurnool districts |
Jurisdiction of admission in AP Residential Minority Junior Colleges - Girls:
Sl. No |
Name of the college |
Jurisdiction |
Districts coming under Jurisdiction |
1 |
A.P. Residential Junior College (Minority), Vayalpadu,Chittoor District. Cell:9441451299 |
Andhra Pradesh State |
All 26 Districts |
Available seats in the Groups in Minority Junior Colleges:
Sl.No. |
Name of the college |
Total |
Medium of Instruction |
1 |
APRJC (Minority), Guntur, Guntur District |
40 |
40 |
35 |
115 |
Urdu & English |
2 |
APRJC (Minority), Kurnool, Kurnool District |
40 |
40 |
35 |
115 |
Urdu & English |
3 |
APRJC (Minority), Vayalpadu, Chittoor District |
40 |
40 |
35 |
115 |
Urdu & English |
Reservation of seats in Minority Junior Colleges:
Sl.No |
Group |
Seats allotted |
Minorities |
SC |
ST |
1 |
40 |
32 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
Bi.PC |
40 |
32 |
6 |
2 |
3 |
35 |
28 |
5 |
2 |
- The candidates have to visit the website https://aprs.apcfss.in and download the application.
- The candidate after satisfying himself/herself about the eligibility criteria for admission, the filled in application has to be submitted to the Principal of the concerned College through Register post or in person from 30-05- 2022 to 20-06-2022.
- There is no application fee for apply / submit the
- While filling the application, the candidate has to opt the course. Once a course is opted, that shall be final and cannot be
- If the Candidate intended to change the course, he/she will have to submit another application duly cancelling the earlier
- For any mistake/incorrect information, the candidate is solely held Hence, they must take utmost care while filling the application.
- The Applications of the ineligible candidates / furnished wrong information will be rejected summarily without further
- The selected Candidate should be able to produce all necessary original certificates at the time of admission as a proof to the information furnished in the If not so, the selection of the candidate will be summarily rejected.
- The Principal reserves the right to cancel the admission at any stage if any application found against the norms
- In case of tie among the candidates with same GPA or equivalent Marks in SSC-2022, the order of the merit will be decided as follows:
- The higher GPA/Marks secured by the candidate in Mathematics for MPC, Biological Science for BPC and Social Studies for CEC will be
- If still the tie persists, the higher GPA/Marks secured by the candidate in Physical Science for MPC and BPC, Mathematics for CEC will be
- If still the tie persists, it will be decided by taking advanced age as
- The Principals shall take up selection of candidates as per norms and seats availability and the list of selected candidates group wise will be published on College Notice Boards on 06.2022.
- If any seats available after first selection, the second list of selection from the available applications will be published group wise on College Notice Boards on 07.2022.
- The selected candidates shall immediately join in the College selected duly following the
- For more details and clarifications, the Candidates can contact the phone numbers 9676404618 and 7093323250 on all working days from 10 AM to 5.30 PM.