Cir.Memo No: D2/1187851/2021 Dated: 27/07/2021
Sub: P.S- T&A Dept.. - Pensions - Instructions on recording necessary entries in the S.Rs of Employees - Issued - Reg.
Personal attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the state and all the Unit Officers of Accounts Branches is drawn to the above subject.
They are informed that, on scrutiny of the Pension Proposals of several officers received in this office, it is observed that necessary entries of service in the S.Rs of some of the employees with regard to G.I.S subscriptions, increments, leaves, disciplinary proceedings, loans, service verification etc., are not forthcoming thereby delay is being caused in processing the pension papers and release of terminal benefits.
Therefore, they are instructed to ensure that all the entries in the S.Rs have to be made up to date, before sending the proposals to this office.