Circular Memo. No GAD01-POLLOMISC/15/2021-POLL-B dated 12.04.2021
Sub: Festivals - Ramzan Festival - Permission to all Government employees of Andhra Pradesh belonging to Muslim religion including teachers, outsourcing and contract employees to leave offices / schools early an hour in the evenings from 14-04-2021 to 13-05-2021 - Accorded.
Ref: From the President, Minority Teachers Association, Amaravati, A.P, Lr. No.32/MTA-AP/2021, dated 02.02.2021.
Government hereby permit all its employees who profess Islam including Teachers and Persons hired on contract, outsourcing basis and also Ward/Village Volunteers of Village/Ward Secretariats to leave their Offices / Schools early by an hour in the evening on all working days during the Holy month of "Ramzan" i.e., from 14-04-2021 to 13-05-2021 to perform necessary rituals as per guidelines issued by the concerned authorities for the containment control and prevention of spread of COVID-19, except when their presence is required due to exigencies of services during the said period.