Memo No. FINO2-18069/3/2018-H SEC-OTA-Part(2) Dated: 23/03/2021
Sub: DTA EHS - Smart Health Cards in respect of pensioners - Distribution of Health cards to pensioners - Reg
Ref: Mail received from EO, Dr. YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust on 22-03-2021
Attention of the all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries in the State is invited to the reference cited(copy enclosed). They are requested to receive and acknowledge the Smart Health Cards in respect of pensioners under their control from the District Coordinators of Dr. YSR AHCT and distribute the same to pensioners at the earliest.
They are also requested to give wide publicity in this regard by addressing various pensioners Associations existing at the Dist/Taluk level and by displaying a notice on the notice board at Dist Treasury/Sub Treasury.