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Sunday, 10 January 2021

Jagananna Ammavodi 2020-21Launching Instructions revised due to election code

Rc.No. 27/2020-PLG-CSE, Dt: 10.01.2021 - School Education Planning - NAVARATNALU Jagananna Ammavodi Programme Financial Assistant ofRs. 15,000/- per annum to each mother or recognized guardian who is below poverty line household and sending their children to Schools/Colleges Leave, from Classes I to XII (Intermediate Education) Implementation for the academic year 2020 2021- Certain Instructions - issued-Reg


1. ESE02-28021/27/2020-PLG -CSE, Dt: 07.12.2020, 09.12.2020 21.12.2020 23.12.2020, 26.12.2020, 27.12.2020, 28.12.2020 30.12.2020, 02.01.2021, 07.01.2021 towards implementation of AMMAVODI for the year 2020-2021.
2. ESEO2-28021/27/2020-PLG -CSE, Dt: 30.12.2020 02.01.2021, 07.01.2021 towards implementation of AMMAVODI for the year 2020 2021 
3. GO.RT.NO 3 Dated 8.1.2021 from School Education ( Prog-11) Department, A.P 4. GO.Ms.No 63 Dated 28.12.2020 from School Education (Prog-II) Department. A.P


In continuation to this office instructions issued with regard to organising the launch of Ammavodi in all Assembly constituencies and all schools on 11-01-2021, the following instructions are issued in view of the model code of conduct w.e.f 09-01-2021

a) The launch of JagannaAmmavodishall be organized in all selected schools at the constituency level and in all schools on 11-01-2021. 

b) However with reference to the schools located in the Rural Areano public representative political leader should be involved. And ensure that only the Headmaster, Teaching & Non-teaching staff along with parents and their children should participate in the said program.

c) The political leaders & public representatives may participate in the schools located in urban areas for the program.

d) As part of the launch the headmaster shall explain the objective of Ammayodiand action being taken by government for creating the toilet maintenance fundby duly informing the importance of regular maintenance of school toilets, to all the parents

e) Finally a discussion may be taken up with the Parents for getting the inputs on uniform stitching, the utilisation of Workbooks/Textbooks and motivating them to wear uniforms, belt & shoes provided under JVK program. Further they may be informed once on the academic activities taken up by the Government during COVID 19. 

Therefore the District Collectors, Joint collectors, District Educational officers in the state are requested to ensure that the launch of JagannaAmmavoditakes place within the framework of Model Code of Conduct without violating any provisions therein for smooth conduct of the said launch by duly issuing necessary guidelines to the filed functionaries. 

This has approval of Director, School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati.

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