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Monday, 18 January 2021

Following the Govt.published textbooks, work books, hand books only and not to use guides, unauthorized study material for various classes

Memo No.151/A&I/2020 Dated.16.01.2021 School Education Academic Calendar 2020-21 - Following the Govt.published textbooks, work books, hand books only and not to use guides, unauthorized study material for various classes - Certain instructions issued - Regarding. 


1) G.O.Ms.No.524, Education (Rules), Dated:20-12-1988
2) G.O.Ms.No.1, School Education (PS.2) Dept., Dated:01.01.1994.
3) G.O.Ms. No.20, School Education (P.E.Prog.I) Dept., Dt:3.3.2011.
4) G.O. Ms. No.17, School Education(PE-Prog-Il). dated:14.05.2014 
5) This office Memo.No.151/A&I/2020, Dt-11-11-2020.

The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the ref 5th cited, wherein the Government has already issued instructions that, all schools under all examination system as prescribed by the government and the schools shall not AKE use any type of guides, test papers and other material that are not prescribed by the State Academic Authority (SCERT).

Further, it is brought to the notice of the Director of School Education, A.P that, certain schools in the State are using their own textbooks instead of the textbooks designed by the Government. Even though the textbooks designed by the Government are best in the Country, still they are using their own textbooks, guides and unauthorized private student material, which is against to the spirit of the effective implementation of CCE. In this regard, it is to inform that, as a part of the improving the Educational Standards, the Government have already issued orders vide G.O.Ms.No.17, Dt-14.05.2014 that, to ban the use of guides and study material by the children and teachers in schools.

The respective inspecting officers i.e., MEOS/DYEOS shall book cases against the school managements concerned, if any deviation observed in the following with regard to syllabus, textbooks, guides, examination pattern etc... If any school/institution fails to comply with the orders of the competent authority in regard to syllabus, textbooks etc.., the concerned school recognition may be withdrawn as per Sec. 21 of the AP Education Act, 1982 and section (11) of G.O.Ms.No.1, Dt-01-01-1994.

Further, if any school/institutions using guides, unauthorized private study material etc., action may be taken against the schools as per the violation of orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.17 and Section 12 (7)(a)&(b) in AP Educational Institutions (Establishment, Recognition, Administration and Control of Schools) Rules, 1988.

Further, as per the G.O.Ms.No.17, the Headmaster is the first level supervisory officer to ensure proper implementation of curricular and co curricular activities, teacher preparation, lesson pans, teaching learning process and conduct of exams properly by all the teachers. Using of guides and study material by the children and memorizing the finished answers will damage the chidren's thinking capacities and self expression. Therefore, guides and study material shall not be used in schools. Head Masters should ensure this.

Further, as per Rule 10(3) & (4) in G.O.Ms.No.1, Dt-01-01-1994 states that the schools shall follow the syllabus and textbooks as prescribed by the Government. This shall, however, not be applicable in respect schools affiliated to Boards of Examinations other than the State Board, in which case, they would follow the requirements of the concerned Board. That the instructions issued by the competent authority in respect of curriculum, workbooks etc shall be implemented.

Further, as per Section 29 of RTE Act, 2009 and Rule 25 of RTE Rules, 2011 the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) in the capacity of the State Academic Authority has prescribed and developed the textbooks, workbooks, handbooks for use of all students under all managements. Instructions were already given to all Schools under all managements that the Schools which have got recognition from Education department shall strictly follow curriculum, syllabus, textbooks and pattern of examination system as prescribed in the Academic Calendar.

Therefore, the under mentioned officers are once again requested to issue instructions to the field level functionaries i.e, HM/MEO/DYEOS under their jurisdiction to strictly implement the guidelines issued by the government in the above said acts and G.Os that, all schools under all managements shall follow the curriculum, syllabus, textbooks and pattern of examination system as prescribed by the government and the schools shall not use any type of guides, test papers and other material that are not prescribed by the State Academic Authority (SCERT).

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