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Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Employees Health Scheme (EHS) - Sub-Committee constituted for successful implementation G.O.RT.No. 704 Dated: 18-11-2020

HM&FW - Employees Health Scheme (EHS) - Sub-Committee constituted for successful implementation of the Employees Health Scheme – Amendment -Issued G.O.RT.No. 704 Dated: 18-11-2020 

Read the following:-

  1. G.O.Rt.No.162,HM&FW(I.1) Dept, Dated.12.03.2019.
  2. G.O.Ms.No.103, G.A.(SW) Dept., Dt: 16.8.2019.
  3. G.O.Rt.No.1179, GA (SW)Dept., dt.21.07.2020.
  4. From the President, AP Govt. Employees Association, Vijayawada, dated.27.07.2020.
  5. From the CEO, Dr.YSR AHCT, Guntur, Lr.No.Dr.YSRAHCT/EHS911/2020, dt.01.10.2020.
1Secretary, Finance DepartmentChairman
2Chief Executive Officer, Dr.NTRVaidyaSeva TrustMember – Convenor
3Director of Treasuries and AccountsMember
4President, AP NGO AssociationMember
5President, AP State Teachers UnionMember
6President, AP Revenue Service AssociationMember
7President, AP United Teachers FederationMember
8President, AP State Govt. Retired Employees AssociationMember
9President, AP Teachers FederationMember
  1. In the G.O.2nd read above, the Government accorded recognition to the “Andhra Pradesh Government Employees Association (APGEA)” for the purpose of enabling its members to make representations regarding their conditions of service and matters pertaining thereto for redressal and in the G.O.3rd read above, Further, in the G.O.3rd read above, the President, APGEA was included from the representatives of employees side in the Management Committee to monitor the implementation of the Employees Health duly amending the orders issued vide G.O.Rt.No.1541, G.A.(SW) Department, dated 19.07.2016.
  1. In the reference 4th read above, the President, APGEA has requested the Government to issue necessary orders including/inserting their association i.e., “President, AP Government Employees Association” in the sub-Committee for successful implementation of the Employees Health Scheme by amending G.O.Rt.No.162, HM&FW(I) Dept., dt.12.03.2019.
  1.  In the circumstances reported by the CEO, Dr.YSRAHCT, Guntur in the reference 5th read above, Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby amend the orders issued in G.O. 1st read above, as follows:

In the G.O. 1st read above, Government constituted the Sub-Committee with the following members within the Dr. NTR Vaidya Seva Trust to sort out the issues pertaining to budget and financial implications of EHS:

In para (3) of the G.O., after the words “President, A P Teachers Federation”, the words “President, A.P. Government Employees Association” at Sl.No.10 shall be inserted.

Download G.O.RT.No. 704 Dated: 18-11-2020
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