Memo.No. ESEO2-27021/116/2020-MDM-CSE, Dated:30/07/2020
School Education-Jagananna Gorumudda (MDM) Scheme Setting up and maintenance of School Nutrition (Kitchen) Gardens in the school Request to furnish certain information - Certain instructions issued - Regarding.
Objectives of School Nutrition Gardens:
School Education-Jagananna Gorumudda (MDM) Scheme Setting up and maintenance of School Nutrition (Kitchen) Gardens in the school Request to furnish certain information - Certain instructions issued - Regarding.
Objectives of School Nutrition Gardens:
- To help in addressing malnutrition a micro nutrient deficiencies by consumption of freshly grown vegetables.
- To give children first-hand experience with nature and gardening.
- To enhance the knowledge of children regarding nutritional aspects of vegetables and harmful effects of junk food.