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Monday, 20 July 2020

Constitute a Committee with the academicians to observe the content and very the material for D LED, B-Ed, TPT, HPT, PET and B.Ed syllabus - Instructions

AP Samagra Shiksha, Amaravati - Constitute a Committee with the academicians to observe the content and very the material for D LED, B-Ed, TPT, HPT, PET and B ED syllabus Certain Instructions - Issued Memo No. SS-15024/91/2020-SAMO-SSA Dt. 20/07/2020.

Ref: Memo No.Spl/Peshi/CSE/2020, dt.08.07.2020 of the State Project Director, AP SS, Amaravati.

Adverting to the reference cited above, the Principal of DIETS of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Vishakhapatnam, East Godavari and Kurnool, and District Educational Officers, Nellore, Guntur, Kurnool, Kadapa, and West Godavari in the State are informed that, a committee is constituted with the subject experts of DIET Principals, DIET Lectures and Teachers (enclosed Annexure) for revisiting the present existing syllabus of D-LED, TPT, HPT, and PET with NCTE guidelines and submit the recommendations of the committee by 27-07-2020 to the undersigned.

The Chairman of the D-LED Committee is informed to allot the work to the respective members in the committee as per their subject experience and submit the detailed consolidation report on or before 27- 07-2020 to the undersigned.

The TPT, HPT and PET subject experts are also requested to submit the consolidated report on their allotted subject to the undersigned, Specific course wise objectives to revisit the present existing


DLED Course: 

1. To take up the alignment study of the DLED syllabus of Andhra Pradesh with that of NCTE suggested syllabus of 2014-15 and to recommend the suggestions for bringing further changes in the DLED syllabus.
2. To study the various interventions and innovations in Teacher Education for the past decade and to offer possible recommendations and suggestions to include them in the DLED syllabus if they are not figured in the present syllabus.
3. To propose latest developments and improvements with respect to transaction/multigrade teaching/English/Multilingualism to the DLED revised curriculum/syllabus.

Telugu Pandit Training TPT:

To evaluate the recent innovations and interventions in the teaching learning of Mother Tongue/Multilingualism and to offer suggestions on the areas /topics to be indude them in the curriculum/syllabus.

Hindi Pandit Training HPT:

To evaluate the recent innovations and interventions in the teaching learning of HPT and to offer suggestion on the areas /topics to be include them in the curriculum/syllabus.

Physical Education Training:

To study existing syllabus on Physical Education and to indude the new topics if any to meet the latest developments in the syllabus. To study the possibilities of including physical literary activities designed and Implemented in Andhra Pradesh Schools and also to study the feasibility of incorporating the yoga and health curriculum

The District Educational Officers, Nellore, Guntur, Kurnool, Kadapa, and West Godavari and the Principal of DIETS of Srikakulam Vizianagaram, Vishakhapatnam, East Godavari and Kurnool, in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to the said subject experts (Annexure) to complete their assigned task and submit the detailed report to the undersigned.

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