RC. No. 2558/APSSA/A7/2019, dated 29/07/2019
Sub: APSSA, Amaravthi -Certain Instructions for payment of salary / remuneration to the staff working under the control of District Project Officers, SSA in the state -Issued
Ref: Review of functioning of district Project Office, SSA Guntur by the State Project Director on 06.07.2019.
During the review meeting at O/o PO, SSA, Guntur, it is brought to the notice of the state Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, AP, Amaravati that number of Project Officers are released the salaries / remuneration to regular /Contract/ Outsourcing staff without insisting on the bio-metric attendance.
Therefore, all the Project Officers, sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in the State are hereby instructed to release the salary / remuneration to the regular / Contract / Outsourcing staff working under their contractual based on the bio-metric attendance only.
These instructions should be followed scrupulously with out any deviation.