CFMS Circular – 17 Dt. 05.03.2019
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Creation of PD Lapsing Bill
A provision to lapse the un-utilized funds on expiry of time limits prescribed as per G.O. MS. No: 43 is made available to PD Administrators. Whoever is authorised to create PD Bills can access the PD Lapsing bill process.
User Manual for lapsing of un-utilized funds is available in training module of CFMS Portal.
Statement of ZPPF Subscriptions
An option has been provided to CEO, ZP as Fund Manager of ZPPF to generate statement of subscriptions, individual wise in CFMS. For this, Head of the Office should assign workflow to any authorized person in his office. To assign the workflow, the HOO has to login to CFMS, Click on the Workflow Configurator Bill Submit tile and then click on OTHERS tab,then ADD AUTHORIZATION and assign the role to access statement of ZPPF subscriptions month wise and subscriber wise to the respective person and this person can access STATEMENT of ZPPF Subscriptions Tile and generate the report in the below format.
The Fund Manager can download this statement in an excel sheet or PDF and use the data to post to individual subscribers accounts.
Nature of Expenditure in PD Bills
It is mandatory for the PD Administrators to specify the purpose for which the funds are being drawn in each bill. BILL SUB TYPE field is provided in PD bill to capture the purpose of expenditure. Since this field can capture only one value, the expenditure pertain to one purpose should be claimed in one bill.
It is noticed in some bills, that the purpose mentioned in the said field and the purpose mentioned in the sanction order are not one and the same, which means that the PD administrators are not mentioning the correct purpose in the bill. It is also noticed that some bills are preferred with purpose mentioned as Other Expenditure when one sanction has been given for multiple purposes, like salaries and contingent expenditure claimed in some bills under the sub type “Other Expenditure”, this may result in rejection of such bills at treasury level or at Government level.
A.M. for Previous Year Transactions
A specific bill type to effect A.M. for the previous year transactions has been provided in CFMS. To access this bill type, there is no need to configure a separate workflow, whoever is authorised to access A.M. Bill in Treasury, can automatically access this bill also.
A.M. can be proposed to either receipt transactions or expenditure transactions. To indicate this maker has to choose ALTERATION- TYPE “Challan / Bill “. Under ALTERATION – BILL header, maker has to select the YEAR, the transaction pertains to, enter Bill / Challan details, DDO code, Head of Account and CREDIT/ DEBIT Indicator. The Original transaction details would always be SENDERhead and new Head of Account / DDO code to which amount is being Credited / Debited would always be RECEIVER head.