Present: Sri G. Srinivas, LA.S.,
Rc.No.11025/ / APSSA/A7/2018-1, dated: -12-2018.
- G.O.Rt.No:4459,Fin Dept 27.12.2006
- G.O.Ms.No.151, Finance (HR-I-Plg.& Policy) Department, Dated 08.08.2016.
- Tender notification NO.5101/APSSA/A7/2017ofthe State Project Director, SSA, AP, Amaravati.
- Guidelines, Qualifications, Rule of Reservation prescribed by the State Level Committee, dated: 17.04.2018
- This office proceedings Rc. No. 5101/APSSA/A7/2017-1, dated 11.05.2018.
- This office work orders Rc. No. 5101/APSSA/A7/2017-2, dated 11.05.2018.
- This office Proceedings Rc. No. 5101/APSSA/A7/2017-3, dated 14.05.2018
- Video conference conducted on 04.06.2018
- G.O.Rt.No:815, Gen. Adm, Dept. dated: 13. 02.2007
- This Office Proceedings Rc. No: 5101/APSSA/A7/2017-2, dated 19.06.2018
- This Office Proceedings Rc. No: 5101/APSSA/A7/2017-2, dated 27.06.2018
- Adverse news items appeared in daily news papers on selection of Outsourcing staff.
- File No.SSA-11033/2/2018-ADMIN-SSA
- Review meeting conducted by the Special Chief Secretary to Government, School Education Dept. Government of Andhra Pradesh dated:02.07.2018 .
- Memo.No.ESEOl-12029/96/2018-PROG 2 SECT-SE DEPT dated:04.09.20 18.
- This Office Proceedings Rc. No: 5101/APSSA/A7/2017-1, dated: 11.10.2018.
- This Office Proceedings Rc. No: 5101/APSSA/A7/2017-2, dated: 11.10.2018.
- This Office Proceedings Rc. No: 5101/APSSA/A7/2017-2, dated:11.10.2018.
All the Project Officers of SSA in the State are hereby directed to keep in abeyance the recruitment of Non-Teaching Staff on outsourcing basis until further orders.
This has got the approval of the State Project Director, APSSA, Amaravati.