Attention of all Regional Joint Directors, School Education (RJDSEs), District Educational Officers (DEOs), District Project Officers (POs) and Academic Monitoring Officers (AMOs) to Hon’ble Chief Minister’s vision for School Education and direction that Andhra Pradesh should be among the top three performers in the country in National Assessments of Student Learning Outcomes by 2022. In order to achieve this vision, the Education system needs to equip its students not only with literacy and numeracy, but with knowledge and skills relevant for the 21st Century.
Recently conducted National Achievement Survey [NAS 2017] and Annual Status of Education Report [ASER 2017] surveys mirror the results from the recent Summative Assessment [SA-1] conducted in objective mode for Classes 8th and 9th. While NAS showed a declining trend in performance of AP students moving towards Upper Primary and Secondary Education, ASER revealed that barely 59% of the youth in Srikakulam district could do basic division. Further, analysis of the results of Class 9 students of SA1 revealed that 51%, 47% and 25% of the students secured D1 and D2 grades, in Maths, Science and English subjects respectively.
In view of all these findings, and in line with the directions of Hon’ble Chief Minister in
ref. 3 cited, the School Education Department is developing a clear action plan to address gaps identified in NAS, ASER and other assessment reports.
As discussed with MHRD and Sp. Chief Secretary, School Education during review meetings, there is a need to put in place a sustainable model of remedial teaching with the objective of bringing low performing students to grade level. Further, recent data on drop - outs shows that nearly 22,000 students dropped out in transition from Class 9 to Class 10 in AY 2016-17. Students who are entering Class 6 are also transitioning from Primary Schools to High Schools without appropriate grade level competencies thus impeding their ability to cope up with the syllabus at High School. The resultant plan of action for long term remediation for low performing students in all grades, called Gnana Dhaara is designed.
A comprehensive Remedial programme is proposed to be conducted to the identified low performing students in all grades under different managements. The remediation program called Gnana Dhaara will be conducted in 2 phases) Summer Residential Program and ii) Year long Learning Enhancement Program.
The core aspects of GnanaDhaara, yearlong continuous remedial program are as follows:
- This program will focus on improving learning levels of students of all Govt. and government aided private schools. Support will be provided by way of workbooks, teaching guidelines to Private school managements too.
- Subjects to be covered: English, Telugu, Mathematics and Science
- Students from all classes [1-10] to be covered
- Teaching Learning material and Student-friendly workbooks will be designed and provided by School Education Department. Respective managements to use them for remedial coaching program.
- Subject teachers in schools will deliver remediation- training to all teachers through e-platforms to improve the delivery of remedial pedagogy As a precursor to the Year-long remediation, Summer Residential Remedial (SRP) program will be implemented in the following manner:
- For whom: Students entering classes 6 and 10 in AY 2018-19 will be considered, to help them bridge the transition from primary school to high school, and to give the Class 9 students confidence while going into Class 10 [SSC Board].
- Subjects: Maths, Language and Science will be the focus subjects for Class 10, while Telugu, English, Science and Maths will be the focus for Class 6.
- How Content will seek to impart foundational knowledge in all subjects so that the student is ready to absorb the lessons with full comprehension once school session starts. Activity based pedagogy will be employed by the teachers to better explain concepts to the students.
- Resources: Volunteer teachers from School Education, Municipal, Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare and Model schools will be leveraged @ TPR of 1:40. B.Ed. and DIET Teacher students will be leveraged to be in-house teachers
- Pedagogy: Student friendly workbooks will be designed for students to practice at home with interest and to improve their skills.
- Where: Residential program involving Residential hostels of Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, Minority Welfare, BC Welfare, APREIS, AP Model Schools, KGBVs and Girls Hostels will be utilized. In case of any shortage of residential campuses in any district, the campuses of Private Engineering colleges or Corporate Schools/ Intermediate colleges are also to be engaged post consultation.
- When: From 1st to 31st May 2018
- Training to teachers: Teachers will be oriented through teleconferences shortly on their roles and classroom strategies, and online training for familiarization of the remedial content will be undertaken.
- Coverage of students: Based on SA-I results, around 2,30,000 class 9 students and 56,000 class 5 students are identified to participate in GNANA DHAARA summer residential programme.
- Extra-curricular activities are planned through local partners and organizations to provide holistic learning and development to child. Advance information and communication will be sent to SMCs and Parents.
- Weekly Assessments will be conducted to track student progress and impact.
The Summer Residential Remedial program is intended to smoothly transition into the sustainable year-long continuous remediation, ensuring the flow of knowledge or Gnana Dhaara. The year-long remedial program for all classes would be integrated with regular classroom teaching to provide continuous support to the low-performing students so that learning gaps can be addressed as and when they arise.
All District Educational Officers are appointed to the overall in-charge of the programme in their district and the success of the program. They are requested to implement the program in close coordination with POs, Dy. EOs, DIET Principals, AMOs and District Assessment Cell [DCEB] members.
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Thursday, 29 March 2018
Gnanadhara Summer Residential Remedial Teaching programme to low performing students of class 5 & 9 - Preparatory activities
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