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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Budget Estimates 2018-19 - Preparation of Budget Estimates,Number Statements at DDO level and Submission online - Guidelines

                                      GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH
                                        FINANCE (BUDGET.I) DEPARTMENT
   Circular Memo.No.19021/6/Budget.I/2017, dated: 14 -11-2017.
Sub: Budget Estimates 2018-19 – Comprehensive Instructions for the preparation of Budget Estimates and Submission on-line – Obtaining Number Statements from the DDO (Drawing and Disbursing Officer) level - Further Instructions – Reg.

With reference to G.O.Ms.No.174, Finance (Budget.I) Department, dt. 27-09-2017 and according to Para 13.2.1 of the A.P. Budget Manual, the Heads of Departments and the Other Estimating Officers have to submit Number Statements to the Finance Department giving particulars of posts of Permanent, Temporary and Supernumerary establishment (both Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) the sanctioned monthly pay, the Special pay if any and the fixed allowances attached to the posts or individuals that will be drawn on the 1st April of the following year and Number of Officers at the each rate of pay for whom provision will be made in the Departmental Estimates.
5.2. The Heads of Departments and the other estimating officers are requested to follow the guidelines given below scrupulously while furnishing number statements for the year 2018-19 to the Government.
a) When a post is upgraded and orders issued by Finance (HR) Department (formerly Finance (SMPC) Department) to this effect, the departments are requested to take action to reduce the post in the lower cadre and increase the higher cadre.
b) When posts are created in the department in addition to the existing sanction strength, the departments are requested to take action to include the newly created post in the number statements.
c) The cadre strength indicated in the Number Statements should be in conformity with the continuation orders issued by Finance (HR) Department duly indicating the G.O. numbers where continuation orders were issued by Finance (HR) Department invariably in the Number Statement Proforma-I.
d) The estimating officers/HODs shall not include the vacant posts in Number Statements and in estimates for salaries.
e) The Number statements shall be submitted separately under respective Major, Minor and Sub-Heads of Accounts in the Number Statement Proforma-I provided On-line.
f) In respect of posts for which salaries paid from Grants-in-Aid towards salaries, the Heads of Departments shall submit the Number Statements including name of the employee with all details separately under respective Major, Minor and Sub-Heads of Accounts in the Number Statement Proforma-II provided online.
g) Public works Engineering Departments shall submit Number Statements for Work Charged Establishment including name of the employee with all details under various schemes, projects and who are being paid on par with the regular Government Employees in Number Statement Proforma-III provided online.
h) The details of the appointments made on Contract / Outsourcing through an agency, category-wise including name of the employee with all details shall be furnished along with the provisions required for full year under the detailed Head ‘300-Other Contractual Services’ in the Number Statement Proforma-IV provided on-line.
i) Information regarding number of Anganwadi Workers, Home Guards, Daily Wage employees and Full Time / Part Time Contingent Employees including name of the employee with all details engaged by the respective HODs shall be furnished in the Number Statement Proforma-VI provided on-line.
j) The number of posts and scale of pay attached to the post shall be furnished in the appendix- ‘A’ (Number Statement Proforma-V) provided online.
5.3. The HODs are informed that the expenditure under all Heads of Accounts including Salaries shall be regulated with reference to Budget provisions. In the absence of Number Statements, the responsibility for any shortfall or excess in the estimates fixed by Finance Department lies with the HODs concerned.
5.4. All Heads of Departments and other Estimating Officers are therefore requested to furnish the Number Statements in the Proforma provided online by 20-10-2017 at the latest to the concerned Finance (FMU) Sections

     Government have issued Comprehensive Instructions and guidelines for preparation of Budget Estimates 2018-19 and number statements and to submit the same through online vide G.O. referred above.
2. Government have decided to obtain the Budget Estimates and details of number statements from grass root level i.e. from the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO) each unit of the departments concerned so as to prepare the budget estimates for the year 2018-19 more accurate and result oriented.
3. Therefore, Government have created a separate Portal “Budget Portal” for preparation of Budget Estimates 2018-19 for obtaining budget estimates from DDO level to Secretariat level.
4. The following are the guidelines in brief for preparation and uploading the information online in the Budget Portal from DDO level to Secretariat level:
DDO Codes Confirmation:
The DDO Codes mapping is already done and made available for confirmation in the Portal. The HOD shall enter their details by logging in with their 11 digit DDO Code. The HOD can verify and confirm DDO Codes Mapping by clicking on “Confirm and Create Logins”. Once Mapping is Confirmed, Logins will be created to the DDOs. DDOs can login with their 11 digit DDO Code. The default password is ‘budget’. If any DDO Code is not visible, HOD can adopt from the central pool. HOD can view all SCO-DDO Mapping. The HOD can remove any invalid / Inactive DDO from his list before confirmation.
Number Statements:
The Post Categories are readily available in the list provided. The HOD can Add/Remove/Confirm the Post Categories. The HOD can add only those categories which are not available. All the Proformas are made available in their respective login. The DDO/SCO/HODs are required to fill all the proformas applicable to them. If any Proforma is not applicable, they can mark it as Not Applicable
The information in number statements and estimates furnished by the DDOs will automatically compiled and scrutinised at SCO level and SCOs at HOD level and HODs at Secretariat level. 
5. The HODs/SCOs/DDOs may login to budget portal through or Through user can click on budget 2018-19 link furnish the Number Statements and Budget Estimates for 2018-19.

6. The Secretariat Departments and Heads of Departments shall ensure that the Number Statements and Budget Estimates from the DDO level to Secretariat level be reached by the end of November, 2017 without fail so as to complete the Budget process at the earliest.
7. The DDOs/SCOs/HODs/Secretariat Departments may contact the following members of Help Desk for any information /assistance while preparation of Budget estimates 2018-19:
1. Sri K. Harikrishna, Ph.No.7729981922
2. Sri K. Sivaram, Ph. No. 9948197221
3. Sri Y. Uma Mahesh, Ph. No. 9247864455

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