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Tuesday 7 November 2017

Self defense skills training School Programme for the girl students of 8th and 9th class Guidelines Rc.No.5101 dt.06.11.17

        Department of School Education has decided to introduce "Martial Arts" as a subject in schools for girl children of class 8th and 9th to empower their self defensive mechanism through learning martial arts. The major aim of introducing martial arts is not only to know various self protection techniques but also to attain physical fitness and sound mind. On pilot basis, during the academic year 2017-18, the programme has been implemented in all Govt. MPPUPs, ZPHS, KGBVs and Model Schools of 13 Districts for the girl students of class 8th and 9th During the academic year, 5605 Schools have been given approval and funding by MHRD to implement the scheme in Government Schools of Andhra Pradesh.
1. Introduce Martial Arts as a school subject in Physical and Health Education.
2. Create self defense abilities among girl students of class 8th and 9th.
3. Understand the perspectives of self defense course among girl students as well as trainers.
4. Close monitoring and implementation of self defense course in all schools in the State.
5. Prepare training module and trainer package to train trainers and students.
Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh has entered into Memorandum of Understanding with the following Self defense academies to implement self defense course for thegirl students of class 8th and 9th in 13 Districts during the academic year 2017-18.

  1.  Bandi Martial Arts :- Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna,     Kadapa Districts and Part of Guntur District(list enclosed) except KGBV Schools.
  2.  Simhapuri All Styles Martial Arts: Ananthapur and Kurnool except KGBV Schools
  3.  Rudramadevi Self-defense Academy: Nellore and Prakasam District except KGBV Schools
  4.  Sabala:- Part of Guntur District (Schools list enclosed) except KGBV Schools
  5.  Andhra Pradesh Taekwondo Association: Visakhapatnam and 352 KGBVs.
  6.  District Collector & Magistrate : Chittoor District
        The programme will be implemented in the 13 Districts of all Govt. MPPUPs, ZPHS, KGBVs, Model Schools, Municipal, Social Welfare and Tribal Welfare Schools for the girl students of 8th and 9th class covering a total of 5605 schools and 388211 students.
The Module for Self defense course developed in the year 2016-17 along with modifications and additions has been incorporated for the academic year 2017-18. The procedure followed for developing the module and distribution details are as follows.
1. Conduct workshop on brain storming session with the Professional Experts and School Education Department officials to identify content and concepts of the self defense course module.
2. Conduct series (5times) of workshops to finalize the module.
3. The module contains perspectives of self defense course theory and practices skills of Martial Arts.
4. Inspiring, promoting self-confidence articles.
5. Distribution of the Course Module is as follows.
a. 10 modules per School
b. 4 copies(02+02) to RJDs & 50 copies to each DEOs in two versionsns separately.
c. 500 copies to State office and State Core Group(both in Telugu and English separately).
d. 650 copies to the State level Resource Group/ Trainer @ 50 copies per District.
e. A total of .59662 copies will be printed and distributed as above.
 A detailed action plan for implementing the Self defense programme along with roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders involved in the programme has been enclosed in Annexure -I
V. Fees:
a) No fees will be charged for the students for taking the training.
VI. Availability of funds: 
The selected Implementing Agencies will be provided with a total outlay of Rs. .515.25 lakhs for providing training to 388211 students of 5605 schools of 13 Districts. The amount will be paid as per the terms and conditions in MOU. The Scheme will receive 60% funds from Central Government & 40% funds from State Government as per the PAB 2017-18 for imparting Self defense scheme.
    This scheme will cease to exist if it is stopped by Central Government or if it decides not to fund the scheme & the State Government will not continue the scheme in the above case.
VII. Time Schedule: 
The programme will be operational for 3 months after commencing in schools. The Principals shall allocate 2 hours per week for the Self defense Trainers to teach the course module covering both theory and practical. This allocated time of 2 hours will be divided into 2 times per week equally i.e. 1 hour per each specified day.
    The District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators of RMSA are requested to provide logistic arrangements to Smt P.Geetha, Equity Consultant and Smt P.Anuradha , Consultant of Vocational Education, TSG Consultant for the ToTs will be conducted at 9th to 11th November 2017. For further queries please contact to Smt P.Geetha@ 9949471175.
Training schedule: 13th November 2017 to 28th February 2018 (30 sessions)

• State level, School level training programmes to follow strictly the content,
concepts and methodology mentioned in the Self defense course module.
• The major content in the training programme are
• Perspectives of self defense course
• Need and importance of self defense course
• Motivation towards girl child empowerment.
• Understanding the need of acquiring competency towards self defense course
• Martial Arts Techniques
• Physical Practice
• Self-Assessment
• Monitoring

C. Role of Head Masters/Principals/Special Officers of KGBV:

  • All Head Masters/Principals/Special Officers of KGBV to adhere to the timeline communicated by the CSE office & DEOs/DPO office concerned from time to time. Bestow their personal interest on this programme for success.
  • Head Masters/ Principals/ Special Officers shall provide/ allocate training sessions to the Self Defense Training Trainers in scheduled time and dates and see that to be followed without deviation.
  • Head Masters/Principals/Special Officers have to adjust and allot stipulated a Arrange/facilitate the training keeping in view of the future sustenance of the training.
  • Necessary co-operation and support shall be given to the martial arts academies/Trainers in each school.
  • If it happens to be a holiday (for different reasons) in any allocated day, Head masters/Principals/Special Officers of KGBVs should inform to the concerned Trainer at the earliest as well as O/o DEO and O/o RMSA and rearrange the same on a convenient day.
  • Head masters/Principals/Special Officers of KGBVs should submit the attendance relating to trainers of self defense course, after completion of every 10 sessions of training and also after successful completion of the training in each calendar month to the MEO office.
  • Head Masters/Principals/Special Officers of KGBVs shall provide separate dress changing room for the Trainers.
  • He/ She have to maintain and monitor separate attendance register with day wise participant's and updated session wise.
  • He/ She have to co-ordinate & co-operate with the Self Defense Trainer allotted to their school.
  • He/ She will take necessary steps to motive girl students.
  •  Head Masters/Principals/Special Officers should Co-ordinate with other Staff for effective and smooth functioning of the training.
  • Time to time, the Head Masters/Principals/Special Officers should intimate the progress of Training programme to SMDC.
  • Head Masters/Principals/Special Officers have to tal{e necessary steps to ensure full attendance of Girls for the training.
  • He/ She has to inform all the students about the Regional, District and State level championship competitions to be conducted after completion of training.

D. Role of the Physical Education Teacher (PET):

  •  PETs of the concern schools must present during self defense training and he/she will act as co-trainer.
  • After self defense training classes, PET shall continue to give same training to the other class girls along with 8th and 9th. 
  • The PETS should involve in the Training. Further PETs act as Master Trainer of self defense skills for future generation.
  • PETs are also responsible for timely assembling of the 8th and 9th class girl students for self defense sessions & maintain discipline and time, class management during the sessions.
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