POST CARD CAMPAIGN on "Badl Runam Thirchukundam" - Rc.6049, Dt.8/11/17
All the Project Officers, SSA In the State are infonned that the state Project Director, APSSA, Amaravatf has Launched the new programme under "Badl Runam Thirchukundam" writing a letter campaign with retired IAS officer Sri T.S.Apparao, who is the alumni of Government school In Kesavarao pet, Srlkakulam District.
This campaign alms In writing postcards to government school's alumni by the students, teachers, MEOs, POs, District Collectors in a phased manner to grab support In strengthening of government schools in the state.
The campaign was initiated by the state Project Director, Principal Secretary and
Minister for HRD by writing letters to the alumni.
In this regard, the Idea is to be drilled down to the school level where each school shall Identify the persons and write a letter requesting their support in the betterment of schools. Similarly at Mandal & District level also the actiVity shall be taken up in a grand way Involving the dignitaries like District Collectors, District level and Mandal level officers, Teachers, Students for writing letters on behalf of schools and this should get good media attention which will further spread the spirit of the movement. In this regard schools with enrollment less than 60 shall address letters to not less than 20 dignitaries, school with 61-140 shall address not less than 40 dignitaries & schools with enrolment more than 140 shall address 50 dignitaries and the total in a district shall be more than 01 (One) lakh in a campaign mode.
The campaign may be continued in two phases.
Phase I:
All the District collectors In the state may be requested to write postcards to alumni. The same Is to be given for press coverage. All the SSA Project Officers in the state are instructed• to submit the respective Photographs and press clippings to the state project office.
Phase II:
All DEOs, POs, MEOs, Teachers and Students shall write postcards to alumni. Every district may be given a target of writing 1 lakh postcards to the alumni.
The programme will reach the doorsteps of the alumni, public representatives and other community members for supporting the SSA activities and betterment of school Infrastructure. Toe number of postcards Indicated above per school rs minimum target and maximum as per the number of people Identified for this purpose, each district Is given a target of 01 (One) lakh post cards.