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Wednesday 4 October 2017

Providing necessary Infrastructure facilities in all Government Schools through Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM) G.O.MS.No.77 dt.04.10.2017


G.O.MS.No.  77  Dated:  04-10-2017 
Read the following:- 
1.  G.O.Ms.No.63,  School  Education(Prog.II)  Dept.,  dt:07.08.2017 2.  From the State Project  Director, SSA, A.P, Amaravati,   Lr. Rc. No.2524/SSA/CW/Infrastructure  Gap/2016, Dt:23-09-2017   ***** 
In the G.O. 1st  read above,  Government  have  accorded  the  administrative approval  for  the works i.e.  "Providing  necessary  infrastructure viz.  Furniture, Compound  Walls & Bio-Fencing  and  Additional  Class  Rooms  including  Library Rooms,  Water  &  Electrical  facilities  in  all Government Schools"  with  an  estimated cost  of  Rs.  4848.00  Crores  on  Hybrid  Annuity  Mode  (HAM)  by  calling for  Request For  Proposal/  Tender  with  suitable  Special  Conditions of  Contract  and General Conditions of  Contract  in  as many  packages  as required  and to  complete the  works within  24  months in  order  to  equip  all schools  in the State with  good infrastructure, good  environment  for  providing  quality  education to  the students.  The cost  of  the project  would  be  met  from  the  School  Education  budget  by  making  a provision  in  the Budget  Estimates  from  the  year  2017-18  to  2024-25. 2. In the reference 2nd  read  above, the State Project Director, SSA, A.P.,  Amaravati has  proposed  to  take  up  the  above works in  all  Government  Schools in  Six packages to  complete  the  works within  24  months  as  given below  and  the expenditure  for  the  engineering  personnel  salaries  and  other  office  expenditure including  furniture, stationery,  computers, hire  vehicles, office  consumables  etc., may  be met  from the  3.00% Petty  Supervision (PS)  charges. The expenditure towards  equipment  for  the  quality  control  would  be  met  from  the  0.50%  Quality Control  (QC)  charges of  the project cost. 
In  the  circumstances reported  by  the  State Project  Director, SSA,  A.P.  in the reference 2nd  read above,  Government  after  careful  examination of  the matter  hereby  permit  the  State  Project  Director,  SSA,  A.P.,  Amaravati  to  take up the works  for  providing  necessary  infrastructure  viz.  “Furniture, Compound  Walls  & Bio-Fencing  and  Additional  Class  Rooms including  Library  Rooms,  Water  & Electrical facilities in all  Government Schools in  the state of  Andhra Pradesh" with an estimated cost  of  Rs.  4848.00  Crores  on Hybrid  Annuity  Mode  (HAM) in  Six packages  as proposed  at para 2 above by  calling  for Request  For  Proposal/ Tender on e-procurement  platform  and to  permit  him to  meet the  expenditure  for the engineering  personnel  salaries and other  office  expenditure  including  furniture, stationery, computers,  hire  vehicles, office  consumables etc.,  from  the  3.00%  Petty Supervision (PS)  charges and the  expenditure  towards equipment  for  the  quality control  from the 0.50% Quality Control  (QC)  charges within  the  project  cost. 
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