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Thursday 26 October 2017

Municipal Administration Department - Education - Instructions and Checklist for Seeking permission to visit abroad Roc.No.11026

                              GOVERNMENT OF ANDHARA PRADESH
Roc.No.11026/10/2017-J SEC-2                                 Dated 19/10/2017

Government Memo.No.17182/C2/200/MA,                             Dt: 16.05.2002.
        The attention of all the Commissioners of Urban Local Bodies in the State are invited to the reference cited and they are aware that the, the Government are competent authority to grant permis sion for abroad vis its of Government emp loyees.
2. In this context, the undersigned has noticed that, most of the Municipal Teachers are applying NOCs to visit abroad on personal grounds and requesting to sanction leave after performing their tours, which is not correct, after getting prior permission from the Government, only they have to proceed for their abroad tours.
3. Therefore, all the Commissioners of Urban Local Bodies in the State are requested to communicate the following instructions to all the Municipal Teachers working under their control, without fail.
• All the Municipal Teachers, who were proposed to visit abroad on personal grounds shall plan well in advance and apply for the NOC for leaving the country and for leave sanction to the Commissioner of the ULB concerned, without fail.
• All the Municipal Teachers shall submit application mentioning the exact dates of duration for abroad visit along with necessary documents viz., No Objection
Certification, Identity Certificate issued by the Commissioner of the respective ULB and extract copy of Passport.
• No Municipal Teacher shall leave the country without getting prior permission from the Government.
4. Further, all the Commissioners of the ULBs in the State shall follow the following
instructions while processing the abroad proposals in respect of Municipal Teachers;
• To verify the proposal submitted by the Municipal Teacher for abroad visit, whether they have mentioned exact dates of duration for abroad visit or not.
• To forward the proposal along with prescribed checklist (copy enclosed) for File No.CDMA-11 026/1 0/2017 -J SEC-CDMA
seeking permission to visit abroad with signature and No Allegation Certificate
and No Due Certificate.
5. AU the Municipal Teachers and Commissioners of the ULBs concerned are
hereby instructed to strictly follow the above instructions, without fail. Any deviation
noticed in disobeying the above instructions, suitable disciplinary action will be initiated
against the responsible Teacher and MC concerned as per APCS (CCA) Rules, 1991.
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