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Friday 13 October 2017

Involvement of School Students in achieving the Swachch Andhra Vision - Instructions Rc.No.448

Modalities for ODF Action Plan and Swachhata Activities and for granting of 5 Marks to Students.
a. Five (5) marks should be ear marked in the ensuing Formative Assessments III and IV for the year 2017-18 towards ODF Action Plan and Swachhata themes related project work.That will be total 10 marks for 2017-18 for this project work.
b. This activity is for all students who are studying in Class IX in all mediums of all managements - Government managed, Private Aided and Private Unaided schools.
c. Swachata and ODF Action Plan related Project Work will be done as part of the Social Studies Subject. Hence, the Social Studies teacher, the 42,145 School level Focal Point Teachers/Head Masters who are already trained under Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) & Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and the Physical Education Teacher (PD / SA (PE) / PET) will take lead and be overall responsible for guiding the students' participation in these Project Works in coordination with other teachers.
d. The lead teachers should help the students list out the areas related to ODF Action Plan and Swachhata Activities (Example: motivating and creating awareness among the community to construct IHHL, monitor construction and utilisation of IHHL, conduct campaigns and rallies, participate in cleaning roads, offices, schools, water conservation, plantation, taking care of trees planted, monitoring hygiene at School Mid-Day Meal preparation and serving, etc.)
e. Project work can be given in three levels:
i. Construction of Individual Household Latrines (IHHLs)
ii. Ensure clean environment in the neighbourhood and the village
iii. Ensure ODF Plus strategies in households including hygiene behaviour by promoting sustained usage of IHHL, clean and green environment, etc.
f. Other Teachers in the school who support the Student groups shall coordinate with the Social Studies Teacher, PET and WASH & MDM Trained Teacher in the assignment, monitoring and evaluation of the students' Project Work related to ODF Action Plan and Swachata
a. Awarding of 5 Marks for IX class students will be based on their performance in terms of enthusiastic participation, building awareness and influencing individual households to construct and utilise the same, methods used for motivating, clarity in understating the issues, leadership, documentation etc.
b. Care should be taken to ensure that there is no inconvenience to the students of any kind. Further, the Students in Class X shall not be included in the ODF Action Plan
c. From the Academic Year 2018-19 onwards there should be a Project related to Swachhata and ODF Activities in all four Formative Assessments of the year, i.e. for 20 marks. Participation in these projects should be yearlong project activity that shall be guided, evaluated and marks awarded.
13. Other "Swachhata Sevan activities- Students develop as socially responsible individuals
shall and be facilitated to encouraged to participate/involve in CIVIC duties. As part of this specific activities relating to water conservation, plantation & greenery development, eco conservation, Traffic management, etc. shall be identified and students encouraged to be involved in such activities. Separate instructions will be issued
14. Timelines for ODF Action Plan for School Education is indicated below:
a. 14.10.2017 - Sanctioning and Grounding of IHHL
b. 20.10.2017 - Take up survey and furnish list of households that are not having IHHL to the PR & RD Department at District level / Mandal / Village level for construction of IHHL.
c. 20.10.2017 onwards - extensive awareness training on WASH program to teachers and students at District, Mandal and School level.
d. 20.10.2017 - completion of survey of schools without running, drinking water and initiate action to provide water connection up to school premises with the convergence of the RWS Department.
e. 30.10.2017 - 100% geo-tagging of schools and school toilets
f. 31.12.2017 - completing construction of all sanctioned IHHL and declaring that all the students, including their family members, have access to and are using sanitary toilets at their houses.
g. 31.3.2018 - Completion of construction of 27, 813 School Toilets
15. Monitoring System
a. School Level Monitoring Committees with Teachers, students and School Management Committee (SMC) members shall be formed to monitor the progress on regular basis.
b. Over a period of three weeks the allotted IHHL construction should be completed. A monitoring plan may be developed by the schools, Teachers and groups of students depending on the IHHL list
allotted to them. The Students shall monitor different stages of construction of IHHL - grounding, foundation laying, pits digging, superstructure, roof level, pipe connections etc. and closely
document the process.
c. During their visits to the schools, the respective DEOs, DyEOs, MEOs, POs, SSA Monitoring Officers shall review/assess various aspects of implementation of the ODF Action Plan, including participation of the Class IX Students in the ODF and Swachhata activities in the village/GP, school sanitation and maintenance arrangements, clean and green environment in the school/institution, additional toilets under construction, availability of running/drinking water, hygienic preparation and serving of MidDayn meal, etc.
d. School wise targets and progress of construction of 3.26 lakhs IHHL at student home (or as per re-surveyed figures) and the 21.60 lakh IHHL in the villages/GPs will be monitored online and the same will be made available to the Headmasters/Teachers/MEOs/MPDOs/DEOs and CEO, ZP for reVIew and evaluation of progress of IHHL construction and completion.
e. At the State level Commissioner School Education, SPD, SSA will jointly monitor and review every week the implementation of the ODF Action plan and Swachhata activities. Commissioner, School Education will hold Fortnightly Video Conference to monitor and
review the Action Plan with the DEOs and other nodal officers.
f. The Design Cell team, O/o CSE, and the Swachh Vidyalaya team at SSA shall be the nodal teams coordinating and monitoring and submitting weekly reports to CSE and SPD, SSA. The IT Cell of CSE develop necessary online monitoring formats and dashboards and provide access to the links on the CSE portal for monitoring of the action plan at different levels. Instructions may be issued separately on this matter.
g. DEOs and PO shall identify a nodal officer/team at the District level to coordinate and monitor all activities.
h. The DEO and PO will jointly hold weekly teleconference with the DyEOs and MEOs and monitor the achievement of the targets.
16. The trained Master Resource Persons and 1222 Mandai level resource persons on WASH & MHM shall coordinate with DEO, PO, SSA and MEO as focal point persons for implementing the program and support the school level focal point persons for effective implementation.
17. The Attached document of Strategy and Action Plan for School Education which delineates further details may be referred to in implementing the ODF Action Plana and Swachhata activities in Schools and Educational Institutions and Offices.
18. The District Educational Officers & Project Officers are to work under the guidance of the District Collectors and in close coordination with, CEO, ZP and other district level officers to achieve 100% ODF for Swachh Andhra Pradesh by 31st March, 2018.
          Download proceedings and detailed instructions

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