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Friday, 12 May 2017

World Handwriting Contest 2017-Complete Details

World Handwriting Contest 2017 objective is to provide an opportunity to all over the people around the world and judges and director will select winners for prizes. Prize winners' names and writing samples typically appear on the contest web page as soon as possible after the judging and remain on display on the contest web page for a full year. WHC distributes prizes to the contest winners each year, distributing all prizes by December.

Deadline: The 2017 World Handwriting Contest is now accepting entries from January 1, 2017
to June 30, 2017.
Apply: Entries may also be sent by E-mail:
All entries (handwritten in your handwriting) must go to the headquarters of the World Handwriting
Contest (address below), EXCEPT FOR ENTRIES FROM ANY COUNTRY WHICH IS LISTED AS HAVING ITS OWN NATIONAL AFFILIATE OF THE WORLD HANDWRITING CONTEST. Entries from any such country (listed below the international headquarters address) must be sent to the national affiliate in that country.
The national affiliate address for any country with a national affiliate of the World Handwriting Contest is listed directly below the name of the country. Entries may also be sent by email to
· Frank Smith: a signsmith and calligrapher from Albany, New York, USA, who believes that handwriting is of great importance -- will provide calligraphic certificates to each winner as the prize.
Mr. Ashok Batra: a former Lifetime Winner of the World Handwriting Contest, from India contributes one writing instrument: a high-quality pen of his choosing. He holds that writing on paper
forges a personal bond that can never be achieved through the latest technologies like internet and mobile phones. The personal touch in handwritten letters, he believes, is incomparable.
Thiruvengadam Madana gopal a calligrapher from India and former Lifetime Winner of the World
Handwriting Contest-- contributes one writing instrument: a high-quality pen of his choosing. Handwriting for Humanity
It shall be the purpose of Handwriting for Humanity to foster the study and use of handwritten communications.
The organization shall carry out this purpose through activities such as:
The promotion of handwriting and its instruction in educational institutions, as well as for personal home study.
· Making handwriting instruction and materials available to all children regardless of cultural and financial barriers.
· Sponsoring an annual handwriting competition.
· Recognizing individual and corporate efforts in the promotion of handwriting and its instruction.
· Tracking technical trends in the development of handwriting, and its instruction and materials.
HANDWRITING: that action of emotion, of thought, and of decision that has recorded the history of mankind, revealed the genius of invention, and disclosed the inmost depths of the soulful heart. It gives ideas tangible form through letters, pictographs, symbols, and signs. Handwriting forges a bond across millennia and generations that not only ties us to the thoughts and deeds of our forebears, but also serves as an irrevocable link to our humanity.
Neither machines nor technology can replace or equal the contribution or continuing importance of this inexpensive portable skill. Necessary in every age, handwriting remains just as vital to the enduring saga of civilization as our next breath. - Michael Sull.
Rules for entries:
The World Handwriting Contest accepts entries each year from January 1 until June 30. To qualify for prizes in a given year, an entry must arrive on or before June 30 of that year.
The Contest judges and director will select winners each year, beginning in July and continuing if
necessary through September.
 Prize-winners' names and writing-samples typically appear on this web-page as soon as possible after the judging - in other words, July or August when possible (but, if necessary, beginning in September or October) and remain on display here for a full year (until after the judging of the next year's contest), after which the new prize-winners' names and writing-samples will replace them.
 WHC distributes prizes to the contest-winners each year, distributing all prizes by December.
 Mail your entry as early as possible. Postal systems can take several days or weeks to deliver an envelope, particularly when the mail must travel between countries. You may enter we cannot accept any facsimile (fax) or electronic submissions.
PLEASE NOTE: We ask each writer to submit only one entry each year. An individual who has written more than one entry must select only one entry to send. In order to avoid overwork for our judges, beginning in 2008 the World Handwriting Contest will disqualify writers who send more than one entry.
Anyone in the world, of any age, may enter the World Handwriting Contest. Our team of judges will evaluate
your entry within ONE of the following age groups.
1. Children (age 7 and under)*
2. Pre-Teens (ages 8 through 12) *
3. Teens (ages 13 through 19) *
4. Adults (ages 20 through 64) *
5. Seniors (age 65 and over) *
*Note: Within each age group, the judges will sort submissions into two categories of handwriting:
FUNCTIONAL HANDWRITING - which strives for legibility, speed, and fluency without aiming at artistic effect. For this category, the judges will further separate entries as cursive or manuscript (printing).
CURSIVE - joins 50% or more of its letters.
MANUSCRIPT (print-writing) - joins fewer than half of its letters.
ARTISTIC HANDWRITING - which uses a monoline or calligraphy marker, pen, or brush along with decorative strokes, flourishes, or combinations of shading and hairlines to create an artistic effect.
Note: WHC will award first and second prizes in each of these categories and subcategories.
PLEASE NOTE: the judges - not the contest entrants - determine the category and subcategory in which each entry belongs.
FREQUENCY OF ENTRIES: To keep the contest open to the greatest possible number of entrants and winners, please submit only ONE (1) entry each year that you enter the contest.
SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR PAST WINNERS: Past winners of the Contest may enter. However, to keep the contest continually open to aspiring handwriters, the management of the World Handwriting Contest must ask any entrant who has already won three first prizes in the Contest to refrain from entering future World Handwriting Contests.
In the event that anyone does receive three first prizes in the World Handwriting Contest, we will regard this individual as a "Lifetime Winner" and will enter his or her name permanently on this web-page, in a special "Lifetime Winners" area.
In 2006, the World Handwriting Contest found its first Lifetime Winners. WILL YOU BECOME OUR NEXT LIFETIME WINNER?
Contestants aged 8 through 12 should write out the first (shorter) of the two copy-quotes. (NOTE:
Contestants younger than age 8 do not have to write out the whole quote, but they must write at least the first two sentences of the quote. Contestants age 8 or older must write out the entire quote.)
· Contestants aged 13 and over should write out the second (longer) copy-quote.
· Write out and submit the complete text of the quote selected for your age group. Please do not write
additional material within your entry.
· Use either lined or unlined paper, 8 1/2 x 11 inches or A4 size.
Use any of the following writing instruments: ballpoint pen, fountain pen, felt/fiber tip marker, or
calligraphy pen/brush. (Use the same writing instrument throughout the entry). Because we scan winning entries for display, please use only black ink and white or light-colored paper (plain or lined) with no pre-printed pictures or decorations.
The written quote must fit on the front side of ONE sheet of paper. Allow at least a 1/2-inch margin on all sides of the quote. On the backside of your entry (not on the front), or in the text of the email to which a scan of an entry is attached write in English
· your full name, ……………………………………………………………………………………...
· your full address,……………………………………………………………………………………
· your age on July 1 of the year in which you enter,………………………………………………….
· your phone number,…………………………………………………………………………………
· your e-mail address (if any)…………………………………………………………………………
Please do not use a separate piece of paper for this information, and please do not write this information on the front of the entry. The back of each entry must contain that entry's own identifying information.)
NOTE:The name and address must be as legible as the entry
Students: Please give the school’s name and address (phone number and e-mail address if available)
along with your own name and address, your school to receive notification of your winning. All personal information will remain confidential. The World Handwriting Contest will use student information only to notify winners and, in an aggregate manner, for research purposes.
You do not have to send your first attempt; in fact, we expect that you will not send your first attempt.
Remember that the allotted time runs from January 1st through June 30th, so take all the time you need to practice and send your best effort.
DO NOT cross out or make erasures. Do NOT send "rough drafts." If you make a mistake, start over: do NOT erase, cross out, "white out," or cover up your errors. Visible erasures/cross-outs/cover-ups/"whiting out" will count more heavily against your work than the original errors themselves.
Contest judges will evaluate entries based on each entry's demonstrated
· LEGIBILITY (how easily we can read the writing),
· FLUENCY (the smoothness, grace, and flow of the writing), and
· COMPETENCE (choice of layout and margins; spacing between letters, words, and lines; consistency of letter size and forms; accuracy of the quote; neatness and general appearance; spelling; and whether the entrant strove to follow the letter and spirit of the Contest rules).
Note: All entries become the property of the Contest. The World Handwriting Contest will not return
submitted entries.
(Please note: until the first day of judging (July 1st), all material marked "World Handwriting Contest" or "Handwriting for Humanity" will remain unopened. If you have general inquiries about the contest and need a response before the judging begins, do not put the words "Handwriting for Humanity/World Handwriting Contest" onto the envelope.)
Do NOT mail or email your entries before January 1. We cannot accept entries with postmark-dates from the previous year.
HANDWRITING: that action of emotion, of thought, and of decision that has recorded the history of mankind, revealed the genius of invention, and disclosed the inmost depths of the heart. Handwriting ties us to the thoughts and deeds of our forebears and serves as an irrevocable link to our humanity. No machine or technology can replace the contribution or continuing importance of this skill. It has been necessary in every age and is just as vital to civilization as our next breath. -Michael R. Sull
HANDWRITING: that action of emotion, of thought, and of decision that has recorded the history of mankind, revealed the genius of invention, and disclosed the inmost depths of the soulful heart. It gives ideas tangible form through written letters, pictographs, symbols, and signs. Handwriting forms a bond across millennia and generations that not only ties us to the thoughts and deeds of our forebears, but also serves as an irrevocable link to our humanity. Neither machines nor technology can replace the contribution or continuing importance of thisinexpensive portable skill. Necessary in every age, handwriting remains just as vital to the enduring saga of civilization as our next breath. -Michael R. Sull-
All entries (handwritten copy-quotes in your handwriting) must go to the headquarters of the World Handwriting Contest (address below), EXCEPT FOR ENTRIES FROM ANY COUNTRY WHICH IS LISTED AS HAVING ITS OWN NATIONAL AFFILIATE OF THE WORLD HANDWRITING CONTEST. Entries from any such country (listed below the international headquarters address) must be sent to the national affiliate in that country.
The national affiliate address for any country with a national affiliate of the World Handwriting Contest is listed directly below the name of the country
Entries may also be submitted scans (at 600 bpi or greater) of a hand written copy-quotes in your
handwriting emailed as an attachment to the email address . Only one entry may be sent with an email, if more than one entry is sent in an email all the entries in the email will be rejected.. The email must have the information required to be on the back of a handwritten entry in the text of the email. The email should have the word entry in its title. The attachment should be in the form of GIF, JPG, or PNG file.
World Handwriting Contest
c/o Kate Gladstone - Handwriting Repair
165 North Allen Street
First Floor
Albany, New York 12206
United States of America
Phone number (518) 482-6763
National Affiliates:
World Handwriting Contest
Healthy Handwriting
Mohan RAY
#2327, Sector-22C,
Chandigarh, India 160022
Contact Office: 0172-5067977 / 09915755177
Contact Mohan Ray: 09815017977

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