For more Latest Updates Click hereG.O_MS 22 2016 FIN - PENSIONS – Retirement Gratuity – Enhancement of maximum limit of to Rs.12,00,000 - Advancing the date of effect to 2nd June,2014 - Orders –IssuedGO 15 Revised Pay Scales, 2015 – House Rent Allowance (HRA) – Amendment - OrdersMemo 3856 Dt.26.05.2015 AP PRC 2015 Pay Fixation Procedural InstructionsPay Scales 30042015FIN_MS46DA 30042015FIN_MS47HRA 30042015FIN_MS48CCA 30042015FIN_MS49AP GO 6 Pension Retirement Gratuity 12 LakhsConveyance Allowance to Blind and Physically Handicapped employees GO.MS 159, Dt 11-12-15GO.66 Consolidation of Pension Family Pension to Pensioners in the Revised scales of Pay 2015GO.67 RPS2015 –Sanction of Stagnation IncrementsGO.68 AAS in RPS-2015GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH HRA DA ShareLeave Travel Concession GO.MS 152 dt 11-12-2015Revised rates of Special Pays-GO MS171, 11-12-2015